The Purity of Love: A Reflection on Rumi's Ghazal
The Purity of Love: A Reflection on Rumi's Ghazal
Jalaluddin Rumi, the great Persian mystic and poet, often explored themes of divine love, spiritual purity, and the journey of the soul toward enlightenment. In this Ghazal, he presents a profound meditation on the necessity of purifying one's love and desires …
What would Saadi Shirazi say about Trump?
Let’s craft a hypothetical poem inspired by Saadi Shirazi’s style, reflecting his timeless wisdom applied to a modern figure like Donald Trump. This will include both the Persian original (as imagined) and an English translation. Saadi’s tone is often moralistic and reflective, so it will highlight themes of leadership, humility, …
A Love Eternal: Inspired by Obayd Zakani
A Love Eternal: Inspired by Obayd Zakani
There is a beauty in this world so rare,
A grace no eye has seen, no heart can compare.
The curve of your silhouette, the light in your gaze—
None can offer directions to such a dreamlike maze.
No blossom in any garden …
A Reflection on Hatef Isfahani’s Ghazal: Love, Loss, and the Cup of Patience
Persian poetry is a garden of enchantment where the fragrance of love, mysticism, and human emotion mingles with the melodies of the heart. Among its many celebrated poets, Hatef Isfahani (18th century) holds a unique place as a master of the ghazal, a poetic form designed to pierce the soul …
Traditional Persian Poetry Forms: A Comprehensive Guide
Persian poetry, with its rich history spanning over a millennium, has developed several distinct poetic forms that have influenced literature worldwide. Each form follows specific rules regarding rhyme, meter, and structure, creating a beautiful framework for expressing complex emotions and ideas.
Ghazal (غزل)
The ghazal stands as perhaps the most …
The Boundless Path of Love: A Journey of Surrender and Joy
The Boundless Path of Love: A Journey of Surrender and Joy
Love, as described by Hafez Shirazi in his timeless ghazal, is a journey unlike any other—a path that has no boundaries, no clear ends, and no predictable turns. It’s a path where reason, rules, and logic often lose their …
The Intoxication of Love: A Reflection on Hafez’s Poem
The Intoxication of Love: A Reflection on Hafez’s Poem
Love, in its truest form, has a way of dissolving boundaries—between self and other, reality and dream, presence and absence. It intoxicates the soul, much like the imagery Hafez evokes in his exquisite verse.
To the Magian temple came my beloved, …
Finding Abundance in Adversity: Wisdom from Hafez
Life often presents us with seasons of hardship, moments when resources are scarce, and the path ahead feels uncertain. In these challenging times, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or defeated. Yet, the timeless words of Hafez Shirazi, one of Persia’s greatest poets, offer us an inspiring perspective on how …