Divan e Hafez Episode 8. In this video we will read a ghazal from Divan of Hafez that he is speaking to a beloved and tries to earn her love.


گفتم کیم دهان و لبت کامران کنند

گفتا بچشم هر چه تو گویی همان کنند


I said, "When your mouth and lips may bring me satisfaction." She replied , "Okay, I shall do as you say."


She replies here sarcastically, you just ask and my lips and mouth is yours. It means that it is not that easy to ask me and I will say Okay.


گفتم خراج مصر طلب می کند لبت

گفتا درین معامله کمتر زیان کنند

I said, "Your lips demand the tribute of Egypt."She replied, "In this transaction, only Few people have lost."


That means I have to spend as much as the tribute of Egypt to reach you. She said that few people have lost in this deal. Most of them are happy.


گفتم بنقطه ی دهنت خود که برد راه

گفت این حکایتی ست که با نکته دان کنند

I said, "Who found to your lips a path?" She replied, "This is a story they only tell the wise."


So it implies that you are not wise enough to find a way to me.



گفتم صنم پرست مشو با صمد نشین

گفتا به کوی عشق همین و همان کنند

I said, "Do not be an idol worshiper, sit with the One who is in solitude."She replied, "On the path of love, they do just that."


Hafiz asks her to leave attractive people who are with several people, and be with Hafiz who is not with anyone. She says that this is the way of love and everyone does this and that.



گفتم هوای میکده غم می برد ز دل

گفتا خوش آن کسان که دلی شادمان کنند

I said, "The tavern air takes sorrow from the heart."She replied, "Blessed are those who make a heart rejoice."


Here Hafez tries to ask her out but she rejects him politely.


گفتم شراب و خرقه نه آیین مذهب است

گفت این عمل به مذهب پیر مغان کنند

I said, "Wine and the dervish's robe are not the way of religion."She replied, "This practice is done in the religion of the old of Moghan."


Here, Hafez tries to move the discussion towards religion to soften her, but she is not fooled


گفتم ز لعل نوش لبان پیر را چه سود

گفتا به بوسه شکرینش جوان کنند

I said, "What benefit is there in the ruby lips yours for an old man?"She replied, "With her sweet kiss, they make him young."


Hafez says here, let me taste the saliva of your lips while I am still young. When old there is no use. She says if you ever finally reach my lips you will be rejuvenated with a kiss.


گفتم که خواجه کی به سر حجله می رود

گفت آن زمان که مشتری و مه قران کنند

I said, "When will the master go to the wedding chamber?"She replied, "When Jupiter and the Moon align."


The beloved of Hafez has fiance, and they are soon marrying. He asks her when the wedding is, so he can understand how much time he has still to flirt her. But she don’t give a specific date and confuses him.


گفتم دعای دولت او درد حافظ است

گفت این دعا ملائک هفت آسمان کنند

I said, "His prosperity is the prayer of Hafiz."She replied, "This prayer is made by the angels of the seven heavens."


Hafez here disappointed about flirtation prays for her fiance, but she says that no need for that. The angels of seven heavens are praying for him.