The path of love is a way with no shore: Ghazal 72 by Hafez

بحریست بحر عشق که هیچش کرانه نیست

آن جا جز آن که جان بسپارند، چاره نیست

The love ocean is an ocean with no shore,
There, there is no choice but to surrender one's life.

The path of love has no end. It's a journey without a destination or shore. When someone chooses the path of love and steps onto this journey, they must understand that it's a perilous journey.


هر گَه که دل به عشق دهی، خوش دمی بود

در کارِ خیر حاجتِ هیچ استخاره نیست

Whenever you give your heart to love, it is a moment of joy,
In a good deed, there is no need for divination.

Whenever love approaches you, it is good and beautiful. Trust in it and do not hesitate.

According to Hafez, the path of love is the only direct and true way to reach the truth and one's ultimate destination. Both celestial and earthly love are sacred, precious, and valuable in Hafez's view. For someone who has not experienced earthly love will undoubtedly be confused and bewildered about celestial love. Earthly loves are like a bridge that transports the lover to celestial love. Earthly love is a prerequisite for celestial love. One who intends to make love to God must be able to unconditionally love their surroundings, including nature, animals, and fellow human beings. Otherwise, how can they traverse this perilous path without getting lost?


ما را ز منعِ عقل مترسان و می بیار

کآن شِحنه در ولایتِ ما هیچ کاره نیست

Don't scare us with the prohibition of reason and bring us wine,
For that officer has no power in our realm.

Don't frighten us lovers and free spirits with the restraints of reason. For that guardian (the watchman), in our city and land, has no authority. Here, the watchman (guardian) is a metaphor for reason.

Don't try to deter us lovers and free spirits with the restraints of reason. At the moment we surrendered our hearts to love, we discarded prudence and practicality from our minds. That officer, that guardian (reason), has no authority or responsibility in the city and land of our hearts. The language of reason is mute and inadequate in the presence of love. Reason can interfere in matters of property and livelihood and issue decrees. But in matters of the heart, love, and affection, it has no authority.


از چشم خود بپرس که ما را که می‌کُشد؟

جانا گناهِ طالع و جرمِ ستاره نیست

Ask your own eyes who is killing us,
My dear, it is not the fault of fate or the crime of the stars.

It's the magic and allure of your eyes that have ruined me and made me lose my mind. It's not fate or the influence of the stars [that has brought me to this state].

In ancient times, it was believed that events, happenings, and people's emotional and psychological states were influenced by the alignment of stars and celestial bodies. In this belief system, some stars were considered inauspicious (bringing misfortune) and others auspicious (bringing good fortune). This verse alludes to that belief. Here, Hafez is addressing his beloved. It's the magic and allure of your eyes that have ruined me and made me lose my mind, not fate, destiny, or the influence of the stars that has brought me to this state of being consumed by love for you.


او را به چشمِ پاک توان دید چون هلال

هر دیده جایِ جلوهٔ آن ماه‌پاره نیست

One can see him with pure eyes like the crescent moon,
Every eye is not a place for the manifestation of that moonlit piece.

To see one's beloved, one must have pure eyes (they cannot dwell in impure eyes). It's like the crescent moon [which can only be seen by those who are worthy]. Not every eye is capable of seeing the face of that sliver of moon. In other words only pure souls can find true love. Others can’t see it even if it’s right in front of them and they are blind for seeing it.


فرصت شمر طریقهٔ رندی که این نشان

چون راهِ گنج بر همه کس آشکاره نیست

Count the opportunity of the way of the rogue, for this sign
Like the path to treasure, is not clear to everyone.

Hold dear the way and the path of the mystic, for this path is like a treasure map that not everyone knows about.

O lover, O mystic, know the value of this mystic path and hold it in high regard. This is a grace that has been bestowed upon you. This path is like the path to a hidden treasure buried in the earth, filled with secrets and codes that not everyone understands.


نگرفت در تو گریهٔ حافظ به هیچ رو

حیرانِ آن دلم که کم از سنگِ خاره نیست

Hafez's tears have not touched your heart in any way,
I am bewildered by my heart, which is harder than stone.

Hafez's tears in no way had any effect on you (they couldn't soften your heart). I'm bewildered and amazed at how heartless you are! (Your heart seems to be no softer than a rock!)

Hafez's anguished pleas, his tears that fell like rain, Failed to soften your heart, causing me such pain. Bewildered, I wonder at your stony soul, Your heart, it seems, is harder than a rock, so cold.

This verse expresses deep disappointment and frustration at the beloved's lack of empathy.