Mystic Whispers of Love and Wisdom
Oftentimes, the most profound truths about life and love are revealed in a few carefully chosen words. Saadi Shirazi, one of Persian literature’s timeless luminaries, has left us a legacy of mystic wisdom and tender passion through his ghazals. Today, we explore one such ghazal—a meditation on divine beauty, the bittersweet nature of human longing, and the soulful quest for unity with the beloved.
Below is the original Persian text of the ghazal followed by its English translation. Let the imagery and emotion of Saadi’s words carry you on a journey of spiritual insight and heartfelt love.
The Original Ghazal (Persian)
آن که بر نسترن از غالیه خالی دارد
الحق آراسته خلقی و جمالی دارد
درد دل پیش که گویم که به جز باد صبا
کس ندانم که در آن کوی مجالی دارد
دل چنین سخت نباشد که یکی بر سر راه
تشنه میمیرد و شخص آب زلالی دارد
زندگانی نتوان گفت و حیاتی که مراست
زنده آنست که با دوست وصالی دارد
من به دیدار تو مشتاقم و از غیر ملول
گر تو را از من و از غیر ملالی دارد
مرغ بر بام تو ره دارد و من بر سر کوی
حبذا مرغ که آخر پر و بالی دارد
غم دل با تو نگویم که نداری غم دل
با کسی حال توان گفت که حالی دارد
طالب وصل تو چون مفلس و اندیشه گنج
حاصل آنست که سودای محالی دارد
عاقبت سر به بیابان بنهد چون سعدی
هر که در سر هوس چون تو غزالی دارد
English Translation
He who, upon the lily, finds his empty pride,
Wears truth in form and beauty in his stride.
How could I recount the pain of my heart, if not for the gentle breeze?
For none know the secret lane where time’s grace will cease.
Surely no heart is so hardened on its destined way
That it dies of thirst while another sips pure, clear day.
Life and the very essence of existence defy mere words—
Only the one who meets the friend uniting souls is heard.
I am eager for your presence, and wear no cloak of despair,
For if you belong to none but me, and none can you compare.
A bird finds its path upon your rooftop high, while I at your street remain—
Blessed is the bird that, in the end, finds wings to soar again.
I shall not speak of heartache with you, for you know no sorrow’s art;
Who else can share the state of a heart so deeply set apart?
Like one bereft of wealth yet rich in thoughts of treasure untold,
My yearning for your union reaps rewards more precious than gold.
In the end, as Saadi casts his head into the barren wild,
Each soul, enflamed with such desire as yours, is but a tender, wistful child.
Analysis and Reflections
The Divine in Beauty
In the opening couplet, Saadi draws our attention to the exquisite interplay between pride and divine beauty. The imagery of the lily—often a symbol of purity and grace—is invoked to suggest that true beauty is adorned with a higher, spiritual truth. The beloved not only captivates with physical charm but also reflects the divine essence, echoing the Sufi belief that earthly beauty is a glimpse of the eternal.
The Secret Lane of Time
Saadi’s next couplet contemplates the ineffable nature of heartache. The "gentle breeze" becomes a metaphor for fleeting moments and delicate chances that shape our lives. The poet suggests that the path to spiritual fulfillment—a secret lane known only to a few—is accessible only when one is attuned to the subtle currents of time and fate.
Thirst for the Divine
In the third couplet, the metaphor of a parched heart is both literal and symbolic. It speaks to the human condition: while some souls remain hardened and indifferent, others are like a clear, refreshing stream—ever ready to embrace the divine. The contrast between dying of thirst and sipping pure water highlights the transformative power of love when one is open to its blessings.
Beyond Words: The True Essence of Life
Saadi challenges the notion that life can be fully expressed through words. He reminds us that the essence of living, the pulse of existence, is realized only in the communion with the beloved. In this sense, true life is not measured by the days that pass but by the deep, unspoken connection between souls.
The Yearning and the Journey
The ghazal takes on a personal note as Saadi reveals his own longing for the beloved’s presence. The imagery of a bird soaring from a rooftop versus a wanderer on a desolate street symbolizes the contrast between those who are free in their spiritual flight and those who remain bound by earthly limitations. The poet’s plea for union is both a declaration of love and a call to transcend the mundane.
The Paradox of Suffering and Reward
In the penultimate couplet, Saadi likens his humble, almost destitute, yearning for union to a treasure trove of divine wisdom. It is through this paradox—that profound loss and exquisite gain are two sides of the same coin—that the seeker finds the courage to love and the strength to endure.
The Final Surrender
The ghazal concludes with a poignant image: Saadi himself, resigned to the vast emptiness of the desert. Yet, even in this surrender, there is a tender hope. Every soul, burning with a desire akin to the poet’s, remains open to the possibility of redemption and reunion with the divine. It is a reminder that the spiritual journey, with all its trials and tribulations, ultimately leads to a profound and ineffable union.
Concluding Thoughts
Saadi Shirazi’s ghazal is a masterful blend of mysticism, wisdom, and love. It captures the ephemeral nature of life while urging us to seek a deeper, more transcendent connection with the divine. Through vivid imagery and delicate metaphors, Saadi reminds us that while words may fall short of describing the true essence of our existence, the heart—ever yearning—knows a language that transcends the ordinary.
May these verses inspire you to embrace the mysteries of love and life, to listen to the silent whispers of your heart, and to journey ever onward towards that sublime union where every longing finds its eternal echo.