Khayyam’s wisdom in Robaei number 10 reminds us to savor each instant of our existence, cautioning against letting worries of what’s to come overshadow the present’s joy. It is love alone that merits our concern—the kind of profound love that ignites the soul. This post presents Robaei number 10 by Khayyam, showcasing first the enchanting Persian verses followed by their English rendition.



امروز ترا دسترس فردا نیست

و اندیشه فردات بجز سودا نیست


ضایع مکن این دم ار دلت شیدا نیست

کاین باقی عمر را بها پیدا نیست


Today is yours, the future’s not to hold, And thoughts of tomorrow are but dreams untold.

Do not waste this moment, if your heart’s not aflame, For the rest of your life can’t be bought or reclaimed.


The key verse of this quatrain is indeed “ضایع مکن این دَم ار دلت شیدا نیست,” which emphasizes the importance of not wasting a single moment of life, especially if one’s heart is not passionately in love. The literal translation of each word conveys the message: “If your heart is not in love, at least try not to waste these moments (of your life)!”

The quatrain suggests that true love comes from the heart, not the mind. Love that originates from the mind is considered false, as Rumi says, “It’s nothing but a disgrace.”

Khayyam, delicately point out that those who are in love experience every moment of their lives in the best and most passionate way possible. However, we all know that falling in love and maintaining it is not easy, and not everyone is capable of it. As Hafez says:

“Love is not a mere game, oh heart, be prepared to lose your head, For the ball of love cannot be hit with the mallet of lust.”

Since most of us are not in love, we should at least try to use our intellect to take control of the moments of our lives and prevent them from being wasted.

Unfortunately, in addition to not being in love, we are completely controlled by our minds, which results in the troubled state we find ourselves in day and night, and the difficult circumstances we face.

Indeed, the integral or sum of the moments of life from birth to death becomes our performance on the stage of time, or our life itself. Again, as Hafez puts it:

“He who has revived his heart with love will never die, Our permanence is inscribed on the scroll of the universe.”

This interpretation of Khayyam’s quatrain reflects a profound understanding of life’s fleeting nature and the importance of living each moment with purpose and passion, whether in love or through the mindful use of intellect. It’s a reminder to cherish and make the most of the time we have.