We emerge into this tangible realm from a mystical domain whose location and nature remain enigmas. Lost in wonder, the essence of existence eludes us, leaving us without knowledge of our origin or destiny. Thus, we should embrace the present. We discuss Khayyam’s Robaei number 11, exploring initially the Persian verse in its lyrical beauty, followed by its English interpretation.



ای آمده از عالم روحانی تفت

حیران شده در پنج و چهار و شش و هفت


می خور چو ندانی از کجا آمده ای

خوش باش ندانی به کجا خواهی رفت


Roasted, from the realm of the spiritual you’ve come,

Bewildered with numbers, by four and five and six and seven.

Drink wine, for you know not whence you have come;

Rejoice, for you know not where you will go.

In the complexity of life, Khayyam’s verses are a vivid thread, weaving a narrative that embraces the enigma of our origin and destiny. He portrays us as travelers, spirited away from a celestial abode, now adrift in a world where numbers—four, five, six, and seven—muddle our understanding. His counsel is simple yet profound: indulge in the nectar of the vine, for our past is shrouded in mystery, and our future is an unwritten scroll. Let us then bask in the moment, for it is in the joyous now that we truly exist. Khayyam’s words are not just a call to revelry but a reminder of the fleeting nature of existence and the importance of cherishing the present, even amidst life’s unanswered questions.