In Quatrain 118 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Khayyam says shame on you if difficulties in life prevents you from enjoying your life, and waste your opportunities until your time is over. 

ایام زمانه از کسی دارد ننگ
کو در غم ایام نشیند دلتنگ

می خور تو در آبگینه با ناله چنگ
زان پیش که آبگینه آید بر سنگ

English translation:
The days of time have only shame for one, 
Who sits sorrowful in the grief of days.

Drink wine in the glass with the lament of the harp, 
Before the glass strikes the rock.

This quatrain encourages us to don’t let the difficulties and sorrows in life force us not to live to our full potential and ultimately live sadly instead of living with joy. The poet urges us to enjoy life's pleasures while we can, before it is too late. Before the glass shatters on the rock. When we die.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the quatrain:
    • Line 1: "The days of time have shame only for one" - This line suggests that time only shames someone who ...
    • Line 2: "Who sits sorrowful in the grief of days" - This line reinforces the idea that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future will only bring us sadness.
    • Line 3: "Drink wine in the glass with the lament of the harp" - This line is an invitation to enjoy life's pleasures, even if we are feeling sad or down. The harp music adds a touch of melancholy to the scene, but it does not prevent the poet from taking pleasure in the wine.
    • Line 4: "Before the glass strikes the rock" - This line is a reminder that life is fragile and can be taken away from us at any moment. The glass is a symbol of our own fragility, and the rock represents the inevitability of death.
Overall, this quatrain is a powerful reminder to live in the present moment and make the most of our time on earth. It is a message that is as relevant today as it was when Khayyam wrote it centuries ago.