In Quatrain 119 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Khayyam says: I have solved many problems, from calculating the mass of a dust particle to the orbit of Saturn, I have solved many problems with cunning. Only one problem I couldn't solve: Death.


از جرم گل سیاه تا اوج زحل

کردم همه مشکلات گردون را حل


بگشادم بندهای مشکل به حیل

هر بند گشاده شد بجز بند اجل


Here's the translation of the quatrain from Omar Khayyam to English:

From the mass of black dust to Saturn's peak,

I've solved all universal problems with a tweak.

With cunning, I've untied the knots of strife,

Every knot untied but the knot of life.


"The mass of a black dust" is a metaphorical reference to the mysteries of the universe and the challenges of understanding them.

"Saturn's peak" symbolizes the highest level of knowledge and understanding.

"Universal problems" refer to the fundamental questions about existence, such as the meaning of life, the nature of reality.

"With cunning, I've untied the knots of strife" implies that the poet has used his intellect and wisdom to solve many of the world's problems.

"Every knot untied but the knot of life" highlights the one problem that remains beyond human understanding: death.

Overall, this quatrain reflects on the vastness of knowledge and the limitations of human understanding. While we may be able to solve many of the world's problems, we are ultimately bound by the inevitability of death.