Robaei number 5 from Khayyam. First its original poem in Persian and then its translation to English:


هر چند که رنگ و بوی زیباست مرا

چون لاله رخ و چو سرو بالاست مرا


معلوم نشد که در طربخانه خاک

نقاش ازل بهر چه آراست مرا



Though I am of beautiful hue and scent, Like a tulip’s face, like a cypress, eminent.

It remains unknown, in the tavern of dust, For what purpose, the Eternal Painter had me ornamented.


Khayyam’s poetry often reflects on the transient nature of life and the human struggle to find meaning within it. His verses convey a sense of wonder and sometimes bewilderment at the complexities and beauties of existence, juxtaposed with the inevitability of mortality. The poem we’ve shared indeed touches on these themes, expressing a poignant awareness of life’s fleeting moments and the enigmatic reasons for our existence. Khayyam’s work continues to resonate because it captures the universal human experience of searching for purpose amidst the ephemeral beauty of the world. It’s a contemplation that many find both relatable and deeply moving.


It appears that here Khayyam is regretful despite all the beauties in human nature, both physical and intellectual and also spiritual, it is hard to find purpose in life. Such a short life on earth.