گفتم غم تو دارم، گفتا غمت سر آید … گفتم که ماه من شو، گفتا اگر برآید

گفتم ز مهر ورزان رسم وفا بیاموز … گفتا ز خوبرویان این کار کمتر آید

گفتم که بر خیالت راه نظر ببندم … گفتا که شبرو است او از راه دیگر آید

گفتم که بوی زلفت گمراه عالمم کرد … گفتا اگر بدانی هم اوت رهبر آید

گفتم خوشا هوائی کز باد صبح خیزد … گفتا خنک نسیمی کز کوی دلبر آید

گفتم که نوش لعلت ما را به آرزو کشت … ؛گفتا تپ بندگی کن کو بنده پرور آید

گفتم دل رحیمت کی عزم صلح دارد … گفتا مگوی با کس تا وقت آن در آید

گفتم زمان عشرت دیدی که چون سرآمد … گفتا خموش حافظ کاین غصه هم سر آید


I said, "I am consumed by sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow shall pass..."

I said, "Be my moon," she replied, "If it rises..."

I said, "Learn the custom of loyalty from the kind lovers,"

she replied, "This is rarely found among the beautiful..."

I said, "I will close to your imagination the path of vision,"

she replied, "He is a night traveler, he will come from another way..."

I said, "The scent of your locks had me astrayed in two worlds,"

she replied, "If you knew, this would be your guide..."

I said, "Blessed is the air that rises from the morning breeze,"

she replied, "Cool is the breeze that comes from the beloved's alley..."

I said, "Dream of your ruby lips have killed me with longing,"

she replied, "Worship humbly, for the nurturer of servants will come..."

I said, "When will your merciful heart resolve to make peace?"

she replied, "Speak to no one, until the time comes..."

I said, "Have you seen the time of revelry, how it has come to an end?"

she replied, "Be silent, حافظ, this sorrow too, shall pass..."


This poem is a dialogue between a Hafez and his beloved, exploring themes of love, longing, and destiny. The lover expresses their deep affection and devotion, while the beloved remains enigmatic and elusive. The poem's imagery is rich and evocative, with references to the moon, wine, and the night sky. The overall tone is one of bittersweet melancholy, as the lover grapples with the unrequited nature of their love.