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@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:58 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

O hand of injustice, as long as your hair,
And without reason, you’ve withdrawn your foot from me.

O hand that emerged from the sleeve in covenant,
And today, has withdrawn your foot into your skirt.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:55 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 79 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 79 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

Any remedy for the first wound is better than any other,
Pleasing people, no matter how much, is always better.

O friend, do not entrust me to the hands of my enemies,
Even if we suffer at our own hands, it is better.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:51 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

Your face, a garden, will bear fruit,
Your union, eternal life will bring.

Drop a tear from your ruby lips on the dust,
To give life to the earth and the age.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:43 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

Though the world is full of beauties,
Shirazis, Kazerunis, Dashtis, and Lurs,

My master is that free-born Arab,
Who calls bitter what is sweet at the end.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:39 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from hamed:
Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Saadi Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

This beard of yours grows so quickly,
Though it brings no desire.

On the fire of your cheek, hearts burn,
And from so much burning, smoke arises.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:23 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden
So that like a lovelorn nightingale, I could cure my heartache.

I gazed at the radiant beauty of the red rose
Which shone like a lamp in the dark night.

So proud of its beauty and youth
That it had forgotten the heart of the nightingale entirely.

The beautiful narcissus opened its eye with sorrow, tears in its eye
The tulip placed a hundred wounds on its heart and soul with melancholy.

The lily spoke like a sharp sword, reproaching the hyacinth
The poppy opened its mouth like a deceitful person.

One, like a wine drinker, held a flask in its hand
Another, like a wine server, held a goblet in its hand.

Consider youth, joy, and life as precious as a flower
For, Hafez, there is no messenger other than a message.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:15 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle
A night-dweller in the alley of the soldiers and the outlaws, like a candle

Day and night, sleep does not come to my sorrowful eyes
For I weep so much in the sickness of your separation, like a candle

The thread of my patience has been severed by the scissors of your sorrow
I burn constantly in the fire of your love, like a candle

If it weren’t for the warmth of your rosy cheek and the little drops of my tears
How would the secret hidden within me ever be revealed to the world, like a candle?

Amidst water and fire, I remain preoccupied with you
This weak, tearful heart of mine, like a candle

Send me a moth of reunion on this night of separation
Or else, I will burn the whole world with your pain, like a candle

Without your world-illuminating beauty, my day is like night
With the fullness of my love for you, I am diminished, like a candle

The mountain of my patience has softened like wax in your hand of sorrow
So that I may melt in the fire and water of your love, like a candle

Like the morning, only one breath remains until I see you
Show your face, beloved, so that I may extinguish my life, like a candle

Exalt my head one night with your union, O beautiful one
So that my hall may be illuminated by your sight, like a candle

Hafez has taken an incredible fire of love in his heart
How can I extinguish the fire of my heart with the water of my tears, like a candle?

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6:07 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides
From the secluded palace of creation,

A mirror rises from the pocket of the celestial sphere,
And shows the face of the universe in a thousand forms.

In the corners of Jamshid's celestial tavern,
Venus plays the organ with a musical sound.

The lute cries out, "Where is the denier?"
The cup laughs, "Where is the miser?"

Look at the state of the world, take the cup of pleasure,
For in any case, this is the best situation.

The lock of the world's beloved is all a trick and deceit,
The wise do not argue over this thread.

If you seek the life of Khusrow and the benefits of the world,
Then seek a generous and bountiful existence.

The manifestation of eternal grace, the light of hope,
The embodiment of knowledge and action, the life of the world, King Shoja.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 6 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja
That I have no quarrel with anyone for wealth or status.

Bring me the wine of my home, the wine of the Magi,
O companion of repentance and farewell, the time for wine has come.

For God's sake, wash and purify my robe with wine,
For I hear no good scent from this situation.

See how someone is dancing to the sound of the lute,
Someone who has not been given permission to listen to music.

Look upon the lovers with gratitude for this blessing,
For I am a submissive servant, and you are the obeyed king.

We are thirsty for the grace of your cup, but
We do not dare, we do not cause headaches.

May God not separate Hafez's forehead and face
From the dust of the threshold of the majesty of King Shoja.

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 5:53 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from hamed:
We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

We have tested our fortune in this city,
We must pull our garments out of this whirlpool.

From biting my lips and sighing so much,
I've set myself on fire, piece by piece, like a flower.

Last night, a nightingale sang so sweetly,
With its ears wide open, from its branch.

O heart, be happy, for that quick-tempered beloved,
Will soon sit down from her own bad luck.

If you want the world to pass over you easily,
Pass over your weak promises and harsh words.

It is time that I set fire to all my clothes and belongings,
From the separation from you and the burning within.

O Hafez, if your wish is fulfilled, always,
Even Jamshid did not remain on his throne forever.
