On July 31, 2024, 3:08 p.m. admin:

@admin July 31, 2024, 3:08 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: What need has the recluse for spectacle: Ghazal 33 by Hafez

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What need has the recluse for spectacle: Ghazal 33 by Hafez

Description: English Translation

What need has the recluse for spectacle,
When the beloved's lane is a desert?

O beloved, with what need do you approach God,
That at the last moment you ask what need we have?

O king of beauty, we have burned for God's sake,
Finally ask what need a beggar has.

We are in need, but have no tongue to ask,
In the presence of the Generous, what need is there for entreaty?

There is no need for a story if you intend to shed our blood,
Since our belongings are yours, what need is there for plunder?

The mirror of the world is my beloved's luminous heart,
What need is there for a declaration of need there?

It turned out that I carried the burden of the sailor's gratitude,
When the jewel was given to the sea, what need was there?

O claimant, go, for I have no business with you,
Friends are present, what need is there for enemies?

O beggarly lover, the life-giving lips of the beloved
Know your duty, what need is there for a request?

Hafez! Conclude, let your art become apparent,
What need is there for dispute and contention with the claimant?