On July 31, 2024, 7:56 p.m. admin:

@admin July 31, 2024, 7:56 p.m.

New Video Posted: Quatrain 169 from Rubaeyat of Omar Khayyam

Check out the latest video from admin:
Quatrain 169 from Rubaeyat of Omar Khayyam

Description: If an angle is sitting next to you, you are already in paradise even if you are living on earth. Today we explore Quatrain 169 form Rubaeiat of Omar Khayyam. I first read the original Persian poem and then its translation to English and a brief analysis.

چندانکه نگاه می کنم هر سویی
در باغ روانست ز کوثر جویی

صحرا چو بهشت است ز کوثر کم گوی
بنشین به بهشت با بهشتی رویی

As I gaze all around, in every direction,
A stream of Kawthar form paradise flows through the garden.

Speak less of Kawthar, this green field is like paradise,
Sit in paradise with a face like an angel.