On Aug. 3, 2024, 7:05 a.m. fatemeh:

@fatemeh Aug. 3, 2024, 7:05 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez

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My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My heart is the tent of his love,
My eye is the mirror of his beauty.

I, who cannot comprehend the two worlds,
Am under the burden of his favor.

You and the Tree of Paradise, and we and the stature of the beloved,
Everyone's thought is according to their worthiness.

If I am stained, what wonder is that?
The whole world is witness to his purity.

How can I be in that sanctuary where the morning breeze
Is the guardian of the sanctity of his privacy?

Let not the sight of my eye be without his thought,
For this corner is the place of his solitude.

Every new flower that adorns the meadow
Is from the effect of his color and fragrance.

Majnun's turn has passed, and now it is our turn,
Everyone has their turn for five days.

The kingdom of love and the treasure of joy,
Whatever I have is due to the blessing of his endeavor.

If my heart and I are sacrificed, what does it matter?
The goal is the safety of his well-being.

Do not see my outward poverty, for Hafez
Has a heart that is a treasure trove of his love.