On Aug. 7, 2024, 11:22 a.m. admin:

@admin Aug. 7, 2024, 11:22 a.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 1 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 1 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal translation:

Except for your image in our mind, nothing appeared to us.
Except for your street, no path appeared to us.
Though sleep was pleasant for everyone during your time,
Truly, it didn't come into our eyes.

A more poetic and interpretive translation:

Your image, love, alone adorned our sight,
No path but yours could lead us to the light.
Though sleep embraced the world while you were near,
Our eyes remained awake, consumed by fear.