On Aug. 8, 2024, 3:55 p.m. admin:

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 3:55 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

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What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen
Presented the rights of my service to your generosity.

With the tip of your pen, you have written my greeting,
May the workshop of time never be without your number.

I won’t say that you remembered me, the heartbroken one, by mistake,
For there is no mistake in the calculations of your pen.

Do not humble me with gratitude for this blessing,
For your eternal fortune is precious and honorable.

Come, so that I may find peace with your curly locks,
For even if my head is lost, I will not remove it from your footstep.

Perhaps your heart will become aware of our condition,
When a tulip blooms from the soil of those killed by your grief.

Quench the thirst of our soul with a sip,
As they give the clear water of Khidr from the cup of Jam.

May your time always be auspicious, O Jesus of the morning breeze,
For the soul of the heartbroken Hafez has come alive with your breath.