On Aug. 8, 2024, 5:34 p.m. admin:

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible,
Then our best course is whatever is right in your sight.

The blackness of your dark locks is the creator of darkness,
The whiteness of your moon-like face is the divider of the dawn.

No one has escaped from the snare of your curly locks,
Nor from the bow of your eyebrow and the arrow of your eye.

From my eye has become a spring flowing beside a river,
No boatman can find a way through it.

Your lips, like the water of life, are the strength of the soul,
From them comes the mention of the spirit for our earthly existence.

With much begging, your ruby lips gave me a kiss,
And my heart's desire was fulfilled with a thousand entreaties.

The prayer of your soul is the incantation on the lips of the longing,
Always, as long as the morning and evening are connected.

Do not seek piety, repentance, and devotion from me, Hafez,
No good has ever come to the rogue, the lover, or the madman.