On Aug. 8, 2024, 6:05 p.m. admin:

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:05 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

One should be by the stream with wine,
And far away from sorrow one should strive.
This period of our life, like a flower for ten days,
Should be with a smiling face and fresh complexion.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Beside a stream, with wine, one should abide,
And sorrow's company should be denied.
Our lives, like blossoms, fleeting and sweet,
Should be filled with joy, from head to feet.