On Aug. 14, 2024, 12:20 p.m. admin:

@admin Aug. 14, 2024, 12:20 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world, Ghazal 126 by Hafez

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A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world, Ghazal 126 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

A soul without the beauty of its beloved has no desire for the world,
Whoever doesn't have that truly doesn't have this.

I've seen no sign of that beloved with anyone,
Either I don't know or they have no sign.

Every dewdrop on this path is a hundred seas of fire,
Alas, this riddle has no explanation.

The destination of separation cannot be let go of,
O traveler, slow down for this path has no end.

The curved lute of your stature calls you to pleasure,
Listen, for the advice of the elders will not harm you.

O heart, learn the way of the rogue from the censor,
He is drunk and no one has this suspicion about him.

Whisper in your heart the state of Qarun's treasure, which time wasted,
So that your hidden gold may not be revealed.

If the rival himself is a candle, hide your secrets from him,
For that playful decapitated one has no restraint on his tongue.

No one in the world has a servant like Hafez,
Because no one in the world has a king like you.