At dawn, the bird of the garden said to the newly opened flower: Ghazal 81 by Hafez
@admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi
صبحدم مرغِ چمن با گلِ نوخاسته گفت
ناز کم کن که در این باغ، بسی چون تو شکفت
گل بخندید که از راست نرنجیم ولی
هیچ عاشق سخنِ سخت به معشوق نگفت
گر طمع داری از آن جامِ مُرَصَّع می لعل
ای بسا دُر که به نوکِ مژهات باید سُفت
تا ابد بوی محبت به مشامش نرسد
هر که خاکِ درِ میخانه به رخساره نَرُفت
در گلستانِ ارم دوش چو از لطف هوا
زلفِ سنبل به نسیمِ سحری میآشفت
گفتم ای مَسنَدِ جم، جامِ جهان بینت کو
گفت افسوس که آن دولتِ بیدار بِخُفت
سخنِ عشق نه آن است که آید به زبان
ساقیا می ده و کوتاه کن این گفت و شِنُفت
اشکِ حافظ خرد و صبر به دریا انداخت
چه کند سوزِ غمِ عشق نیارَست نهفت
English Translation:
At dawn, the bird of the garden said to the newly opened flower,
"Be less haughty, for in this garden, many have blossomed like you."
The flower smiled, saying, "Let's not be offended by the truth, but
No lover has ever spoken harshly to their beloved."
If you hope for that bejeweled cup of ruby wine,
Many pearls should be swept from the tips of your eyelashes.
The scent of love will never reach his nose,
Whoever has not rubbed the dust of the tavern door on their face.
Yesterday, in the garden of Arm, due to the pleasant breeze,
The hyacinth curl was tousled by the morning wind.
I said, "O foundation of beauty, where is your world-seeing cup?"
He said, "Alas, that state of wakefulness is asleep."
The words of love are not what can be spoken aloud,
O cupbearer, pour the wine and shorten this talk and listening.
Hafez's tears have drowned reason and patience in the sea,
What can he do, the burning pain of love cannot be hidden.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, beauty, and the spiritual journey. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

Key Themes:
The Transient Nature of Beauty: The poet compares the fleeting beauty of the flower to the impermanence of worldly pleasures.
The Path of Love: The ghazal alludes to the spiritual journey of the lover, emphasizing the importance of humility and devotion.
The Beauty of the Beloved: The beloved is described in celestial terms, and their beauty is seen as a reflection of divine beauty.