Come, for the palace of hope is very weak-founded: Ghazal 37 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 37 4

بیا که قصرِ اَمَل سخت سست بنیادست

بیار باده که بنیادِ عمر بر بادست


غلامِ همتِ آنم که زیرِ چرخِ کبود

ز هر چه رنگِ تعلق پذیرد آزادست


چه گویمت که به میخانه دوش مست و خراب

سروشِ عالَمِ غیبم چه مژده‌ها دادست


که ای بلندنظر شاهبازِ سِدره نشین

نشیمن تو نه این کُنجِ محنت آبادست


تو را ز کنگرهٔ عرش می‌زنند صفیر

ندانمت که در این دامگه چه افتادست


نصیحتی کنمت یاد گیر و در عمل آر

که این حدیث، ز پیرِ طریقتم یادست


غمِ جهان مخور و پندِ من مَبَر از یاد

که این لطیفهٔ عشقم ز رهروی یادست


رضا به داده بده وز جبین گره بگشای

که بر من و تو دَرِ اختیار نگشادست


مجو درستیِ عهد از جهانِ سست نهاد

که این عجوز، عروس هزاردامادست


نشان عهد و وفا نیست در تبسمِ گل

بنال بلبل بی دل که جای فریادست


حسد چه می‌بری ای سست نظم بر حافظ؟

قبولِ خاطر و لطفِ سخن خدادادست



English Translation:

Come, for the palace of hope is very weak-founded,
Bring wine, for the foundation of life is ruined.

I am the slave of one whose spirit is so high,
That he is free from everything that takes on the color of attachment.

What shall I tell you, that last night, drunk and ruined in the tavern,
The herald of the unseen world gave me such glad tidings.

O far-sighted king, the eagle of the celestial tree,
Your abode is not this ruined corner of affliction.

They call out to you from the battlements of the celestial throne,
I do not know what has befallen you in this snare.

Let me give you advice, remember it and act upon it,
For this saying is from the old man of the path.

Do not worry about the world's sorrow and do not forget my advice,
For this jest of my love is from the wayfarer.

Be content with what is given and untie the knot from your brow,
For the door of choice has not opened for me or you.

Do not seek the truth of a covenant from a weak-founded world,
For this old woman is the bride of a thousand grooms.

There is no sign of covenant or loyalty in the rose's smile,
Lament, O heartbroken nightingale, for there is a place for outcry.

Why are you envious, O weak-minded one, of Hafez?
Acceptance of the heart and the grace of speech are God-given.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin July 31, 2024, 4:17 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, spirituality, and the transience of life. The poet invites his beloved to join him in a world of spiritual ecstasy, free from the constraints of worldly desires and attachments.

@admin July 31, 2024, 4:17 p.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The beloved is often interpreted as a symbol of divine love.
Spiritual Ecstasy: The poet longs for a state of spiritual intoxication and bliss.
Rejection of Worldly Desires: The poet rejects worldly desires and attachments.
The Transitory Nature of Life: The poem reflects on the impermanence of life.

@admin July 31, 2024, 4:18 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

قصر امل: Palace of hope
سدره: A celestial tree mentioned in the Quran
کنگره: Battlement
دامگه: Snare

@admin July 31, 2024, 4:18 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep spiritual meaning with exquisite language and imagery. The poet's exploration of love, loss, and the search for meaning is a universal theme that resonates with readers across cultures and time periods.