Except for your threshold, I have no refuge in the world: Ghazal 76 by Hafez
@admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi
جز آستان توام در جهان پناهی نیست
سرِ مرا به جز این در، حواله گاهی نیست
عدو چو تیغ کِشد، من سپر بیندازم
که تیغِ ما به جز از نالهای و آهی نیست
چرا ز کویِ خرابات روی برتابم
کز این بِهَم، به جهان هیچ رسم و راهی نیست
زمانه گر بزند آتشم به خرمنِ عمر
بگو بسوز که بر من به برگِ کاهی نیست
غلامِ نرگسِ جَمّاشِ آن سَهی سَروم
که از شرابِ غرورش به کس نگاهی نیست
مباش در پی آزار و هر چه خواهی کن
که در شریعتِ ما غیر از این گناهی نیست
عِنان کشیده رو ای پادشاهِ کشورِ حُسن
که نیست بر سر راهی که دادخواهی نیست
چنین که از همه سو دامِ راه میبینم
بِه از حمایتِ زلفش مرا پناهی نیست
خزینهٔ دلِ حافظ به زلف و خال مده
که کارهای چنین، حَدِّ هر سیاهی نیست
This Ghazal is a profound expression of devotion, humility, and the complexities of life and love. Each couplet conveys deep emotions, blending the mystical with the earthly:
Divine Refuge: The poet declares that there is no refuge in the world other than the divine threshold. This couplet sets the tone of deep spiritual reliance and surrender.
Disarm in the Face of Enemies: When the enemy draws their sword, the poet throws down his shield, for their weapon is merely cries and sighs. This symbolizes the poet's pacifistic approach, relying on lamentation rather than conflict.
Embrace of the Tavern: The poet questions why he should turn away from the tavern, as there is no other path or custom in the world as fulfilling. This alludes to finding solace and truth in unorthodox places.
Fate and Fire: If fate sets his life ablaze, the poet welcomes it, for the leaves of his life are not worth a straw. This illustrates acceptance of destiny and the insignificance of worldly attachments.
Devotion to the Idol: The poet is a slave to the captivating eyes of the beloved, who gazes at no one due to their arrogance. This reflects unrequited love and admiration from afar.
Tolerance and Forgiveness: The poet advises against pursuing harm and suggests doing whatever one wishes, as in their doctrine, no sin