Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high: Ghazal 20 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 26 3

روزه یک سو شد و عید آمد و دل‌ها برخاست

می ز خُم‌خانه به‌جوش آمد و می‌باید خواست


نوبهٔ زهدفروشانِ گران‌جان بگذشت

وقتِ رندی و طرب کردنِ رندان پیداست


چه ملامت بُوَد آن را که چنین باده خورَد؟

این چه عیب است بدین بی‌خردی، وین چه خطاست؟


باده‌نوشی که در او روی و ریایی نَبُوَد

بهتر از زهدفروشی که در او روی و ریاست


ما نه رندانِ ریاییم و حریفانِ نفاق

آن‌که او عالِم سِرّ است، بدین حال گواست


فرضِ ایزد بگزاریم و به کس بد نکنیم

وان چه گویند روا نیست، نگوییم رواست


چه شود گر من و تو چند قدح باده خوریم؟

باده از خونِ رَزان است، نه از خون شماست


این چه عیب است کز آن عیب، خلل خواهد بود

ور بُوَد نیز چه شد؟ مردم بی‌عیب کجاست



English Translation

Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high,
Wine from the tavern is bubbling, and wine must be sought.

The turn of the sanctimonious hypocrites has passed,
The time for the rogues to revel and rejoice is clear.

What blame is there for one who drinks such wine?
What fault is there in this foolishness, what error?

A wine drinker who has no hypocrisy or pretense
Is better than a hypocrite who seeks fame and position.

We are not hypocritical rogues or deceitful companions,
The one who knows the secret can testify to this.

Let us fulfill God's duty and do no harm to anyone,
And what they say is not right, we will not say is right.

What harm is there if you and I drink a few cups of wine?
Wine is from the blood of the wise, not from your blood.

What fault is there that will lead to a flaw?
And even if there is, so what? Where is the perfect person?

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:55 a.m.

A Brief Explanation of the Translation

Celebration of Life: The poem celebrates life, joy, and the pleasures of the world.
Criticism of Hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes those who pretend to be pious but are actually hypocritical.
Embrace of Life: The poet encourages embracing life and its pleasures, without being overly concerned with the opinions of others.

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:55 a.m.

Key Themes:

Carpe Diem: The theme of seizing the moment and enjoying life is prominent.
Criticism of Hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes religious hypocrisy and those who pretend to be more virtuous than they are.
Wine as Metaphor: Wine is often used as a metaphor for spiritual intoxication or enlightenment.

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:56 a.m.

Some key Persian words and their nuances that are difficult to fully capture in English:

زهدفروشان: Hypocrites, those who pretend to be pious.
رندان: Rogues, but in a positive sense, referring to those who are free-spirited and unconventional.
عالِم سِرّ: One who knows the secret, referring to a spiritual master or someone who understands the mysteries of life.