For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 29 4

زان یارِ دلنوازم شُکریست با شکایت

گر نکته‌دانِ عشقی بشنو تو این حکایت


بی‌مزد بود و مِنَّت هر خدمتی که کردم

یا رب مباد کس را مخدومِ بی‌عنایت


رندانِ تشنه‌لب را آبی نمی‌دهد کس

گویی ولی‌شناسان رفتند از این ولایت


در زلفِ چون کمندش ای دل مپیچ کانجا

سرها بریده بینی بی‌جرم و بی‌جنایت


چشمت به غمزه ما را خون خورد و می‌پسندی

جانا روا نباشد خونریز را حمایت


در این شبِ سیاهم گم گشت راهِ مقصود

از گوشه‌ای برون آی ای کوکبِ هدایت


از هر طرف که رفتم جز وحشتم نَیَفزود

زِنهار از این بیابان وین راهِ بی‌نهایت


ای آفتابِ خوبان می‌جوشد اندرونم

یک ساعتم بِگُنجان در سایهٔ عنایت


این راه را نهایت صورت کجا توان بست؟

کِش صد هزار منزل بیش است در بِدایت


هر چند بردی آبم، روی از دَرَت نَتابم

جور از حبیب خوشتر کز مُدَّعی رعایت


عشقت رِسَد به فریاد ار خود به سانِ حافظ

قرآن ز بَر بخوانی در چاردَه روایت



English Translation:

For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint,
If you are knowledgeable about love, listen to this tale.

Every service I have done was without pay or favor,
May God forbid anyone to have a master who is without grace.

No one gives water to the thirsty revelers,
It seems the saints have left this province.

Do not get entangled in her hair, like a noose, O heart, for there
You will see heads severed without crime or wrongdoing.

Your eye, with a glance, has shed our blood and you approve,
Beloved, it is not right to support a bloodshedder.

In this dark night, the path to my goal has been lost,
Come out from a corner, O guiding star.

Wherever I went, it only increased my fear,
Beware of this desert and this endless path.

O sun of beauties, my heart is boiling,
Include me in the shade of your grace for an hour.

Where can one put an end to this path?
There are a hundred thousand more stages at the beginning.

Although you have taken my water, I will not turn away from your door,
Injustice from a beloved is better than kindness from a claimant.

May your love come to my aid,
even if I recite the Quran fourteen times.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:07 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, loss, and the spiritual journey. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:07 p.m.

Key Themes:

Unrequited Love: The poet expresses his deep love for someone who is seemingly indifferent.
Spiritual Longing: The ghazal alludes to the spiritual journey of the lover, emphasizing the importance of divine intervention.
The Power of Love: The poet celebrates the transformative power of love, even when it causes pain.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:07 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

رندان: Revelers, often used as a metaphor for lovers
ولی‌شناسان: Saints
کوکبِ هدایت: Guiding star

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:08 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing and devotion.