It's been a long time since my beloved sent a message, Ghazal 109 by Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 30 4

دیر است که دلدار پیامی نفرستاد

ننوشت سلامی و کلامی نفرستاد


صد نامه فرستادم و آن شاهِ سواران

پیکی نَدوانید و سلامی نفرستاد


سویِ منِ وحشی‌صفتِ عقل‌رمیده

آهو رَوشی، کبک خرامی، نفرستاد


دانست که خواهد شُدنم مرغِ دل از دست

وز آن خطِ چون سلسله دامی نفرستاد


فریاد که آن ساقیِ شِکَّر لبِ سرمست

دانست که مخمورم و جامی نفرستاد


چندان که زدم لافِ کرامات و مقامات

هیچم خبر از هیچ مقامی نفرستاد


حافظ به ادب باش که واخواست نباشد

گر شاه پیامی به غلامی نفرستاد



English Translation:

It's been a long time since my beloved sent a message,
They haven't written a greeting or a word.

I've sent a hundred letters, but that royal horseman
Has not sent a messenger nor a greeting.

Toward me, wild and with a wandering mind,
They haven't sent a gazelle-like glance or a partridge's strut.

They knew I would become a heart-bird lost,
And so they didn't send that line like a noose.

Alas, that intoxicated cupbearer with sugar-sweet lips,
Knew I was drunk and didn't send a cup.

As much as I boasted of miracles and stations,
They didn't send me news of any station.

Hafez, be polite, there's no need for a reply,
If a king doesn't send a message to a slave.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 2:07 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses deep longing and disappointment over the lack of response from his beloved. The poet uses vivid imagery and metaphors to convey his feelings of separation and longing.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 2:08 p.m.

Key Themes:

Longing and Separation: The poet is deeply longing for his beloved and feels the pain of separation.
Unrequited Love: The beloved seems indifferent to the poet's love and devotion.
Spiritual Seeking: The poet uses spiritual imagery to express his longing and search for meaning.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 2:08 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

سواران: Horseman, often used as a metaphor for a powerful or influential person
آهو رَوشی: Gazelle-like glance (a symbol of beauty and grace)
کبک خرامی: Partridge's strut (a symbol of pride and elegance)
سلسله دامی: A chain or noose (a metaphor for a trap or entanglement)

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 2:08 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing and sorrow.