My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 41 4

دلِ من در هوایِ روی فَرُّخ

بُوَد آشفته همچون مویِ فَرُّخ


بجز هندویِ زلفش هیچ کس نیست

که برخوردار شد از روی فَرُّخ


سیاهی نیکبخت است آن که دایم

بُوَد همراز و هم زانوی فَرُّخ


شَوَد چون بید لرزان سروِ آزاد

اگر بیند قدِ دلجویِ فَرُّخ


بده ساقی شرابِ ارغوانی

به یادِ نرگسِ جادوی فَرُّخ


دوتا شد قامتم همچون کمانی

ز غم پیوسته چون ابروی فَرُّخ


نسیم مُشک تاتاری خِجِل کرد

شمیم زلف عَنبربوی فَرُّخ


اگر میلِ دلِ هر کس به جایست

بُوَد میلِ دلِ من سوی فَرُّخ


غلامِ همتِ آنم که باشد

چو حافظ بنده و هندوی فَرُّخ



English Translation:

My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face,
Is as disheveled as Farrukh's flowing hair.

Besides the Indian darkness of his locks, no one else
Has been blessed with the sight of Farrukh.

That fortunate blackness is always
A companion and confidante of Farrukh.

The free cypress will tremble like a willow
If it sees the beloved form of Farrukh.

Bring, O wine-server, purple wine,
In memory of Farrukh's magical narcissus.

My stature has become double, like a bow,
From the constant sorrow like Farrukh's eyebrow.

The Tatar musk-scented breeze is ashamed
Of the fragrance of Farrukh's amber-scented locks.

If everyone's heart is inclined towards something,
My heart is inclined towards Farrukh.

I am the slave of the spirit of the one who,
Like Hafez, is a servant of Farrukh.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:43 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses deep love and admiration for a beloved named Farrukh. He uses vivid imagery and comparisons to emphasize the beauty and power of his beloved.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:44 p.m.

Key Themes:

Love and Devotion: The poet expresses deep love and devotion for his beloved.
The Power of Beauty: The poet extols the beauty of Farrukh and its ability to captivate him.
Spiritual Longing: The ghazal alludes to the spiritual journey of the lover, emphasizing the importance of divine intervention.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:44 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

فَرُّخ: A name, often used to refer to a beloved, meaning "prosperous" or "fortunate"
هندوی: Indian, referring to the dark color of the beloved's hair
نرگس: Narcissus, a flower often associated with beauty and the eye
مُشک تاتاری: Tatar musk, a highly prized perfume

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:44 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing and devotion.