O hoopoe of the morning breeze, I send you to Saba, Ghazal 90 by Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 47 4

ای هدهد صبا به سبا می‌فرستمت

بنگر که از کجا به کجا می‌فرستمت


حیف است طایری چو تو در خاک‌دانِ غم

زین جا به آشیانِ وفا می‌فرستمت


در راهِ عشق مرحلهٔ قُرب و بُعد نیست

می‌بینمت عیان و دعا می‌فرستمت


هر صبح و شام قافله‌ای از دعای خیر

در صحبتِ شمال و صبا می‌فرستمت


تا لشکرِ غمت نکند مُلکِ دل خراب

جانِ عزیزِ خود به نوا می‌فرستمت


ای غایب از نظر که شدی هم‌نشین دل

می‌گویمت دعا و ثنا می‌فرستمت


در رویِ خود تَفَرُّجِ صُنع خدای کن

کآیینهٔ خدای‌نما می‌فرستمت


تا مطربان ز شوقِ مَنَت آگهی دهند

قول و غزل به ساز و نوا می‌فرستمت


ساقی بیا که هاتفِ غیبم به مژده گفت

با درد صبر کن که دوا می‌فرستمت


حافظ، سرودِ مجلس ما ذکرِ خیرِ توست

بشتاب هان که اسب و قبا می‌فرستمت



English Translation:

O hoopoe of the morning breeze, I send you to Saba,
See where and to whom I send you.

It's a pity for a bird like you to be in the dustbin of sorrow,
From here, I send you to the nest of loyalty.

On the path of love, there is no stage of nearness or distance,
I see you clearly and send you my prayers.

Every morning and evening, a caravan of good wishes
I send you in the company of the north wind and the morning breeze.

So that your army of sorrow may not ruin the kingdom of my heart,
I send you the precious treasure of my life in a melody.

O absent one from my sight, who have become the companion of my heart,
I tell you, I send you prayers and praises.

Gaze upon your own face, a reflection of God's creation,
For I send you as a mirror reflecting God.

So that the musicians, informed of my longing,
May send you promises and ghazals with music and melody.

O cupbearer, come, for the divine voice has given me glad tidings,
Endure your pain, for I send you a cure.

Hafez, the song of our gathering is the remembrance of you,
Hurry, for I send you a horse and a robe.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:13 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, longing, and the divine. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:13 a.m.

Key Themes:

Longing for the Beloved: The poet expresses his deep longing for his beloved and seeks divine intervention to reunite them.
The Spiritual Journey: The ghazal alludes to the spiritual journey of the lover, emphasizing the importance of patience and hope.
The Power of Love: The poet celebrates the transformative power of love and its ability to heal the heart.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:13 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

هدهد: Hoopoe (a bird often associated with messages and messengers)
سبا: Saba (a mythical wind, often associated with the south)
قافله: Caravan
هاتف: Divine voice

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:13 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing and devotion.