O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024

O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi

ساقیا آمدنِ عید، مبارک بادت

وان مَواعید که کردی، مَرَواد از یادت


در شگفتم که در این مدّتِ ایّامِ فراق

برگرفتی ز حریفان دل و دل می‌دادت


برسان بندگیِ دختر رَز، گو به درآی

که دَم و همّت ما کرد ز بند، آزادت


شادی مجلسیان در قدم و مقدم توست

جای غم باد، مَر آن دل که نخواهد شادت


شکر ایزد که ز تاراجِ خزان رخنه نیافت

بوستانِ سمن و سرو و گل و شمشادت


چشمِ بد دور کز آن تفرقه‌ات بازآورد

طالعِ ناموَر و دولتِ مادرزادت


حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح

ور نه طوفانِ حوادث بِبَرَد بُنیادت



English Translation

O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you,
And may you not forget the promises you made.

I'm amazed that during this time of separation,
You took hearts from my opponents and gave hearts.

Convey to the rose-faced maiden's servant, say she should come out,
For your breath and spirit have set us free from bondage.

The joy of the gathering is in your coming and going,
May sorrow be gone, and may that heart not wish you happy.

Thanks be to God that the garden of jasmine, cypress, rose, and hyacinth
Has not been damaged by the ravages of autumn.

May the evil eye be far from you that would bring you apart,
And may your fortunate destiny and your mother's fortune endure.

Hafez, do not lose the fortune of this new Noah's ark,
Or else the storm of events will destroy your foundation.

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:42 a.m.

A Brief Explanation of the Translation

Celebration and Renewal: The poem celebrates the arrival of spring and the renewal of nature, often symbolized by the rose.
Love and Reunion: The poet expresses a longing for reunion with a beloved, often symbolized by the "rose-faced maiden."
Sufi Undertones: The poem has strong Sufi undertones, with the beloved often symbolizing the divine.

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:42 a.m.

Key Themes:

Joy and Celebration: The poet expresses joy and celebration of the arrival of spring and the hope of reunion.
Love and Longing: The poet expresses a longing for the beloved, often symbolized by the rose.
Spiritual Quest: The poem can be interpreted as a spiritual journey, with the beloved representing a higher power.

@admin July 31, 2024, 6:42 a.m.

Some key Persian words and their nuances that are difficult to fully capture in English:

ساقی: Literally "wine-pourer," but often used metaphorically to refer to a spiritual guide or the beloved.
مواعید: Promises, but also implies a sense of hope and anticipation.
رَز: Rose, often used as a symbol for beauty and love.
شادی مجلسیان: The joy of the gathering, referring to a spiritual assembly or community of lovers.
طوفانِ حوادث: Storm of events, symbolizing the challenges and trials of life.