That fairy-faced Turk who left us yesterday: Ghazal 82 by Hafez

By admin @admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 50 4

آن تُرک پری چهره که دوش از بَرِ ما رفت

آیا چه خطا دید که از راهِ خطا رفت؟


تا رفت مرا از نظر آن چشمِ جهان بین

کس واقفِ ما نیست که از دیده چه‌ها رفت


بر شمع نرفت از گذرِ آتشِ دل، دوش

آن دود که از سوزِ جگر بر سر ما رفت


دور از رخِ تو دم به دم از گوشهٔ چشمم

سیلابِ سرشک آمد و طوفانِ بلا رفت


از پای فتادیم چو آمد غمِ هجران

در درد بمردیم چو از دست دوا رفت


دل گفت وصالش به دعا باز توان یافت

عمریست که عمرم همه در کارِ دعا رفت


احرام چه بندیم؟ چو آن قبله نه این جاست

در سعی چه کوشیم؟ چو از مروه صفا رفت


دی گفت طبیب از سرِ حسرت چو مرا دید

هیهات که رنجِ تو ز قانونِ شفا رفت


ای دوست به پرسیدنِ حافظ قدمی نه

زان پیش که گویند که از دارِ فنا رفت



English Translation:

That fairy-faced Turk who left us yesterday,
What fault did he see that he went the wrong way?

Since that world-seeing eye went out of my sight,
No one knows what has gone from my eyes.

Yesterday, that smoke that rose from the burning of my liver did not go out on the candle,
It went over my head from the burning of my heart.

Moment by moment, far from your face, from the corner of my eye,
A flood of tears came and a storm of calamity passed.

I fell to my feet when the sorrow of separation came,
In pain, I died when the medicine left my hand.

My heart said, "We can find his reunion through prayer,"
For a lifetime, my whole life has been spent in prayer.

What pilgrimage should we perform? When that qibla is not here,
What sa'i should we strive for? When the Safa and Marwa have gone?

Yesterday, the physician said with regret when he saw me,
Alas, your pain has gone beyond the law of healing.

O friend, don't come to ask about Hafez,
Before they say that he has gone from the world of mortality.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@admin Aug. 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, loss, and the spiritual journey. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

@admin Aug. 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

Key Themes:

Loss of Love: The poet expresses deep sorrow and despair over the loss of his beloved.
Spiritual Longing: The poet's love is often intertwined with his spiritual quest.
The Inevitability of Death: The ghazal alludes to the transient nature of life and the inevitability of death.

@admin Aug. 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

تُرک پری چهره: Fairy-faced Turk (a common epithet for the beloved)
قبله: Qibla (the direction Muslims face when praying)
سعی: Sa'i (a ritual performed during the Hajj pilgrimage)
مروه و صفا: Safa and Marwa (two hills between which pilgrims run during the Hajj)

@admin Aug. 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his heartbreak and longing.