That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024

That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

By fatemeh @fatemeh | poet: Hafez Shirazi

آن پیکِ ناموَر که رسید از دیارِ دوست

آورد حِرزِ جان ز خطِ مُشکبارِ دوست


خوش می‌دهد نشانِ جلال و جمالِ یار

خوش می‌کند حکایتِ عِزّ و وقارِ دوست


دل دادمش به مژده و خِجلَت همی‌برم

زین نقدِ قلبِ خویش که کردم نثارِ دوست


شکرِ خدا که از مددِ بختِ کارساز

بر حسبِ آرزوست همه کار و بارِ دوست


سیرِ سپهر و دورِ قمر را چه اختیار؟

در گردشند بر حَسَبِ اختیار دوست


گر بادِ فتنه هر دو جهان را به هم زند

ما و چراغِ چَشم و رهِ انتظارِ دوست


کُحلُ الجَواهری به من آر ای نسیمِ صبح

زان خاکِ نیکبخت که شد رهگذارِ دوست


ماییم و آستانهٔ عشق و سرِ نیاز

تا خوابِ خوش که را بَرَد اندر کنارِ دوست


دشمن به قصدِ حافظ اگر دم زند چه باک؟

مِنَّت خدای را که نیَم شرمسارِ دوست



English Translation:

I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved,
For I have committed a crime, yet I hope for His forgiveness.

I know He will overlook my transgression, for though
He may seem aloof, He is in fact a merciful angel.

We wept so much that everyone who passed by
Said, seeing our tears streaming, "What is this?"

That mouth is nowhere to be seen, I find no trace of it,
There is a curl of hair, but I don’t know what that hair is.

I am amazed by the image of His imagination, how it does not leave
My sight, but constantly washes and scrubs.

Without a word, Your tresses draw my heart,
Who else would dare speak or argue with Your captivating locks?

For a lifetime I’ve smelled the scent of Your tresses,
That fragrance still lingers in my heart’s nostrils.

Hafez, Your troubled state is bad, but
The fragrance of the beloved’s tresses makes Your troubles seem good.

@fatemeh Aug. 3, 2024, 8:22 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses a deep and passionate love for his beloved, using vivid imagery and poetic devices to convey the intensity of his emotions.

@fatemeh Aug. 3, 2024, 8:22 a.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The poet's love for the beloved is seen as a divine connection.
Forgiveness and Mercy: The poet seeks forgiveness for his transgressions and expresses hope in the beloved's mercy.
The Power of Beauty: The beloved's beauty is described in such a way that it has a profound impact on the poet's heart and soul.
Longing and Separation: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.

@fatemeh Aug. 3, 2024, 8:23 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

عاطفه: Affection, kindness
پریوش: Aloof, distant
فرشته: Angel
زلف: Tresses, hair
مشام: Nostrils

@fatemeh Aug. 3, 2024, 8:23 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of his longing for his beloved.