The moon has no radiance compared to your beauty, Ghazal 127 by Hafez
@admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi
روشنیِ طلعتِ تو ماه ندارد
پیشِ تو گُل، رونقِ گیاه ندارد
گوشهٔ ابرویِ توست منزلِ جانم
خوشتر از این گوشه، پادْشاه ندارد
تا چه کُنَد با رخِ تو دودِ دلِ من
آینه دانی که تابِ آه ندارد
شوخیِ نرگس نگر که پیشِ تو بشکفت
چشمْ دریده، ادب نگاه ندارد
دیدم و آن چشمِ دلْسیه که تو داری
جانبِ هیچ آشنا نگاه ندارد
رَطلِ گرانم ده ای مریدِ خرابات
شادیِ شیخی که خانقاه ندارد
خون خور و خامُش نشین که آن دلِ نازک
طاقتِ فریاد دادخواه ندارد
گو برو و آستین به خونِ جگر شوی
هر که در این آستانه راه ندارد
نی منِ تنها کشم تَطاولِ زلفت
کیست که او داغِ آن سیاه ندارد؟
حافظ اگر سجدهٔ تو کرد مکن عیب
کافرِ عشق ای صنم گناه ندارد
English Translation:
The moon has no radiance compared to your beauty,
Before you, the flower has no vitality.
The corner of your eyebrow is the home of my soul,
No king has a more pleasant corner.
What can the smoke of my heart do with your face?
You know as a mirror that a sigh has no radiance.
Look at the playfulness of the narcissus that bloomed before you,
With its wide-open eye, it has no regard for etiquette.
I saw that dark, beloved eye of yours,
It has no regard for any familiar face.
Give me a heavy cup, O disciple of the tavern,
The joy of a dervish who has no monastery.
Drink blood and sit silently, for that delicate heart
Cannot bear the cry of a complainant.
Go and stain your sleeve with the blood of your liver,
Whoever has no way in this threshold.
It's not only me who suffers the tyranny of your curls,
Who is there who doesn't have that black mark?
If Hafez prostrates to you, don't blame him,
O idol of love, an infidel of love has no sin.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazaly Hafez explores themes of love, beauty, and the complexities of human relationships.

Key Themes:
The Beloved's Beauty: The poet extols the beauty of his beloved, comparing her to natural elements and celestial bodies.
The Pain of Love: The poet expresses the pain and suffering caused by unrequited love.
The Spiritual Journey: Hafez uses imagery of the tavern and dervish to symbolize the spiritual journey.