The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez

By fatemeh @fatemeh | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 51 4

لعلِ سیرابِ به خون تشنه لب یار من است

وز پی دیدنِ او دادنِ جان کار من است


شرم از آن چشمِ سیه بادش و مژگان دراز

هر که دل بردنِ او دید و در انکارِ من است


ساروان رَخت به دروازه مَبَر کان سرِ کو

شاهراهیست که منزلگهِ دلدارِ من است


بندهٔ طالعِ خویشم که در این قحطِ وفا

عشق آن لولیِ سرمست خریدار من است


طَبلِهٔ عطرِ گل و زلفِ عبیر افشانش

فیضِ یک شَمِّه ز بوی خوشِ عطارِ من است


باغبان همچو نسیمم ز درِ خویش مران

کآبِ گلزارِ تو از اشکِ چو گلنارِ من است


شربتِ قند و گلاب از لبِ یارم فرمود

نرگس او که طبیبِ دلِ بیمارِ من است


آن که در طرزِ غزل نکته به حافظ آموخت

یارِ شیرین‌سخنِ نادره‌گفتارِ من است



English Translation:

The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood,
And to see her, giving my life is my task.

Shame on that black eye and those long lashes,
Whoever saw her steal hearts and denies my claim.

O caravan, don't pack your bags at the mountain pass,
For that road is the dwelling place of my beloved.

I am a slave to my own fate, in this drought of loyalty,
Love for that intoxicated wanderer is my buyer.

The drum of the flower's fragrance and her saffron-scattering tresses,
Are the grace of a single whiff of my perfumer's scent.

O gardener, don't drive me away from your door like a breeze,
For the water of your rose garden is from my rose-like tears.

My beloved ordered a sherbet of sugar and rosewater,
Her narcissus is the physician of my sick heart.

The one who taught Hafez the art of the ghazal,
Is my sweet-talking, rare-speaking beloved.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@fatemeh Aug. 2, 2024, 8:32 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses an intense and passionate love for his beloved. The imagery is rich and evocative, and the poet uses various poetic devices to convey the depth of his emotions.

@fatemeh Aug. 2, 2024, 8:32 a.m.

Key Themes:

Intense Love: The poet's love for his beloved is so consuming that he is willing to sacrifice his life for her.
Beauty of the Beloved: The beloved is described using vivid imagery, emphasizing her beauty and allure.
Spiritual Connection: The poet suggests a deep spiritual connection with his beloved.

@fatemeh Aug. 2, 2024, 8:32 a.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

لعل: Ruby, often used as a metaphor for a beloved's lips
ساروان: Caravan
طَبل: Drum
عبیر: Saffron

@fatemeh Aug. 2, 2024, 8:33 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, capturing the intensity and passion of love. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative image.