The vow we made together, suddenly shattered and broken

By admin @admin | poet: original | 57 0

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This ghazal explores the pain and anguish of a lover betrayed by their beloved. The poet laments the broken vow and the cruelty of their partner who chose another. The imagery of the "bloodshot eyes" and "flowing tears" vividly portrays the depth of their emotional distress. The final couplet emphasizes the enduring pain and the "distraught heart" left behind as a constant reminder of the lost love.

English Translation for Ghazal

The vow we made together, suddenly shattered and broken,
My restless heart, from my beloved's cruelty, became distraught.

I said that with you, forever, I would spend my life,
She left and with another, became a companion and happily shown.

From my bloodshot eyes, many tears rained down,
On the dust of her path, I shed these flowing tears.

I wish she knew, what goes on in my heart,
From this cruelty, my heart became restless and worried.

This bitter tale of love, passed over me and went,
I remained and this souvenir, from her, this distraught heart.

متن غزل

عهدی که بستیم با هم، شکسته شد ناگهان
دل بیقرارم، ز جور یار، شد پریشان

گفتم که با تو، تا ابد، خواهم نمود عمر
او رفت و با دیگری، گشت همره و خوش نشان

از دیدهٔ خونین من، بارید اشک بسیار
بر روی خاک راهش، ریختم این اشک روان

ای کاش می دانست، که در دل من، چه می گذرد
از دست این جور، دلم، شد بی قرار و نگران

این قصهٔ تلخ عشق، بر من گذشت و رفت
ماندم و این یادگار، از او، این دل پریشان