There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face: Ghazal 73 by Hafez
@admin | poet: Hafez Shirazi
روشن از پرتوِ رویت نظری نیست که نیست
مِنَّت خاکِ درت بر بصری نیست که نیست
ناظرِ روی تو صاحب نظرانند آری
سِرِّ گیسوی تو در هیچ سَری نیست که نیست
اشکِ غَمّازِ من ار سرخ برآمد چه عجب؟
خجل از کردهٔ خود پرده دری نیست که نیست
تا به دامن ننشیند ز نسیمش گَردی
سیل خیز از نظرم رهگذری نیست که نیست
تا دم از شامِ سرِ زلفِ تو هر جا نزنند
با صبا گفت و شنیدم سحری نیست که نیست
من از این طالع شوریده بِرَنجَم ور نی
بهرهمند از سَرِ کویت دگری نیست که نیست
از حیایِ لبِ شیرینِ تو ای چشمهٔ نوش
غرق آب و عرق اکنون شکری نیست که نیست
مصلحت نیست که از پرده برون افتد راز
ور نه در مجلسِ رندان خبری نیست که نیست
شیر در بادیهٔ عشق تو روباه شود
آه از این راه که در وی خطری نیست که نیست
آب چشمم که بر او مِنَّت خاکِ درِ توست
زیرِ صد مِنَّتِ او خاکِ دری نیست که نیست
از وجودم قَدَری نام و نشان هست که هست
ور نه از ضعف در آن جا اثری نیست که نیست
غیر از این نکته که حافظ ز تو ناخشنود است
در سراپای وجودت هنری نیست که نیست
English Translation:
There’s no glance that isn’t brightened by your radiant face,
No eye that isn’t grateful for the dust of your threshold.
Those who gaze upon your face are indeed insightful,
But the secret of your tresses is in no one else's head.
If my tear of sorrow turns red, what wonder is that?
Ashamed of my own deed, there is no curtain to draw.
Until a speck of dust from its breeze settles on my skirt,
There is no passing glance that doesn’t stir a storm in my sight.
Until every place doesn’t speak of the dusk of your locks,
I have heard from the morning breeze that there is no dawn.
I am distressed by this turbulent fate, or else,
No one else would benefit from your neighborhood.
From the shyness of your sweet lips, O fountain of nectar,
Now there is no sugar left, drowned in water and sweat.
It is not wise for the secret to be revealed from behind the curtain,
Or else, there would be no news in the gathering of revelers.
A lion becomes a fox in the desert of your love,
Alas, this path where there is no danger.
The water of my eye, which is grateful for the dust of your threshold,
Under a hundred favors of yours, is not dust of a threshold.
There is a little name and trace of existence in me,
Or else, there would be no trace of weakness there.
Other than this fact that Hafez is displeased with you,
There is no art in all of your being.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, divine beauty, and the complexities of the human heart. He uses vivid imagery and paradoxical statements to convey deeper meanings.

Key Themes:
Divine Love: The beloved is often seen as a symbol of the divine, and the poet's love for them is spiritual.
Longing and Separation: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.
The Power of Beauty: The beloved's beauty is described as captivating and irresistible.
Sufi Mysticism: The ghazal alludes to Sufi concepts of love, divine union, and the journey of the soul.