Hekayat 108 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
Two people died with regret: one who had and did not enjoy, and the other who knew and did not act.
No one sees a stingy scholar
Without trying to find faults in him,
But if a generous person has two hundred faults,
His generosity covers all his flaws.
متن حکایت
دو کس مردند و حسرت بردند: یکی آن که داشت و نخورد و دیگر آن که دانست و نکرد.
کس نبیند بخیل فاضل را
که نه در عیب گفتنش کوشد
ور کریمی دو صد گنه دارد
کرمش عیبها فرو پوشد