Learn Persian

Saraye Sokhan is a valuable resource for those seeking to learn or enhance their understanding of the Persian language. Explore a variety of educational materials designed to cater to different learning styles and levels of proficiency. From interactive language courses and grammar exercises to vocabulary lists and cultural insights, our resources provide a comprehensive approach to mastering Persian. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, you'll find the tools and support you need to embark on your Persian language journey.

Lesson 6: Ordering Food and Shopping in Persian

Lesson 6: Ordering Food and Shopping in Persian

By hamed on August 16, 2024

Some simple phrases in Persian language for ordering food and shopping.

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Lesson 5: Essential Persian Phrases

Lesson 5: Essential Persian Phrases

By hamed on August 16, 2024

Essential and common phrases in Persian language for everyday use.

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Lesson 4: Verb Tenses in Persian

Lesson 4: Verb Tenses in Persian

By admin on August 14, 2024

Persian verbs have three main tenses: present, past, and future. The present tense uses the prefix "mi-" and verb endings. The past tense often involves changes to the verb root. The future tense is formed using auxiliary verbs like "mikhāham" (I want to). Unlike English, Persian verb conjugation is generally …

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Lesson 3: Verb Conjugation in Persian

Lesson 3: Verb Conjugation in Persian

By admin on August 09, 2024

Persian verbs can seem complex, but with a solid foundation, you'll be able to grasp the core concepts. Let's break it down. In this lesson we discuss verb conjugation in Persian language.

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Lesson 2: Basic Persian Words and Phrases

Lesson 2: Basic Persian Words and Phrases

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

In this lessen we describe some simple words in Persian language.

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Lesson 1: Introduction to the Persian Alphabet

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Persian Alphabet

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

An introduction of Persian alphabet for English learners.

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