Building Your Vocabulary

Now that you have a foundation in the Persian alphabet, let's start building your vocabulary. Remember, Persian doesn't have articles (like "the" or "a") and word order can differ from English.

Basic Greetings:

  • سلام (salām): Hello

  • خدانگهدار (khodahafez): Goodbye

  • ممنون (mamnoon): Thank you

  • خواهش می‌کنم (khāhesh mikonam): You're welcome

  • ببخشید (bebakshid): Excuse me

Simple Questions:

  • شما چطورید؟ (shomā chetorid?): How are you?

  • خوبم، ممنون: I'm good, thank you.

  • اسم شما چیست؟ (esm-e shomā chist?): What is your name?

  • من ... هستم (man ... hastam): My name is ...

Everyday Objects:

  • آب (āb): water

  • نان (nān): bread

  • کتاب (ketāb): book

  • در (der): door

  • پنجره (panjere): window

Practice Time:

Let's try making some simple sentences:

  • من آب می‌خواهم. (man āb mikhāham): I want water.

  • کتاب روی میز است. (ketāb rӯy mīz ast): The book is on the table.

  • سلام، من علی هستم. (salām, man ‘ali hastam): Hello, my name is Ali.


  • Practice saying these words and sentences aloud.

  • Try to mimic the pronunciation as closely as possible.

  • Use flashcards to help you memorize new words.

Challenges and Tips:

  • Word order: Persian word order can be different from English, so pay attention to how words are arranged.

  • Vowels: Remember that vowels are represented by diacritics.

  • Pronunciation: Persian has specific pronunciation rules, so listen carefully to native speakers.

Additional Tips:

  • Try to find a language partner to practice speaking with.

  • Watch Persian movies or TV shows to improve your listening skills.

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when learning a new language!