Quatrain 28 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
چون نیست حقیقت و یقین اندر دست
نتوان به امید شک همه عمر نشست
هان تا ننهیم جام می از کف دست
در بیخبری مرد چه هشیار و چه مست
A Note on this Rubai
This rubai is a profound meditation on the uncertainties of life and the importance of finding joy in the present moment. It uses the imagery of wine and uncertainty to convey a deep sense of existential questioning.
English Translation
A more literal translation
Since there is no truth or certainty in hand,
One cannot sit all life long with hope in doubt.
Come, let us not put down the cup of wine from our hands,
In ignorance, whether one is sober or drunk.
A more poetic and interpretive translation
With truth and certainty beyond our grasp,
To hope and doubt would be a foolish task.
So let us raise a glass, and find our bliss,
For whether sober or drunk, life is this.
A contemporary and informal translation
Life's full of mystery, we don't know why,
So let's not worry and just ask why.
Let's enjoy a drink, and feel alive,
Whether sober or drunk, that's how we survive.
"چون نیست حقیقت و یقین اندر دست": This line expresses the idea that ultimate truth and certainty are beyond human grasp.
"نتوان به امید شک همه عمر نشست": This line suggests that it is futile to spend one's life dwelling on doubt and uncertainty.
"هان تا ننهیم جام می از کف دست": This line encourages the reader to embrace life and find joy in the present moment.
"در بیخبری مرد چه هشیار و چه مست": This line suggests that in the face of life's mysteries, both the sober and the drunk are equally ignorant.
Themes and Interpretations
The limits of human knowledge: The poem highlights the fact that humans cannot know everything with absolute certainty.
The importance of living in the present moment: The poet encourages the reader to seize the day and find joy in the present.
The acceptance of uncertainty: The poem suggests that it is better to accept the uncertainties of life rather than to dwell on them.
This rubai is a powerful reminder that life is full of mysteries and that it is up to each individual to find their own meaning and purpose. It encourages us to embrace uncertainty and to find joy in the simple pleasures of life.