Complete Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, Nafis Vaziri, Leather Sliding Frame
This book, weighing 2.4 kilograms and measuring approximately 17 x 25 centimeters, has a Waziri cut and its end-stitched binding has given it great strength. The handwriting of this valuable book is computerized and has been printed on 1570 monochrome pages. It should also be added that the pages of this book are made of writing paper and the cover designed for this exquisite book is a laser-cut sliding frame type, and the book cover is also made of leather.
Price: 15.00 USD
Availability: Out of Stock
Condition: New
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GTIN: 123456
In the book Shahnameh Ferdowsi, written by Vaziri in a leather-bound book (code 1001), Hakim Abolghasem Ferdowsi intends to remind people through his poems how they were in the past and what they have become now, and ultimately, to return the Persian language to the people. As you know, the Shahnameh is one of the largest and most valuable collections of poems remaining from the Samanid and Ghaznavid eras, and it is the most important document of the greatness of the Persian language and the culture and civilization of ancient Iran in literature. Great poets such as Goethe and Victor Hugo have spoken well of this book, and the first European to speak of Ferdowsi and the Shahnameh was the Englishman Sir William Jones, who restored part of the Shahnameh in his book "A Commentary on Asian Literature." The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the features of this book, so stay tuned.