Section 12 - Tale: I had a stipend in Nizamiyah.

بخش ۱۲ - حکایت: مرا در نظامیه ادرار بود

I was in the system of constant repetition

Night and day filled with indoctrination and repetition

مرا در نظامیه ادرار بود

شب و روز تلقین و تکرار بود

I said to my teacher, O wise one

A certain friend harbors jealousy toward me

مر استاد را گفتم ای پر خرد

فلان یار بر من حسد می‌برد

When I give the meaning in the narration

The wicked inside him stirs and disrupts

چو من داد معنی دهم در حدیث

بر آید به هم اندرون خبیث

The leader of manners heard this speech

He was greatly angered and said, 'What a surprise!'

شنید این سخن پیشوای ادب

به تندی برآشفت و گفت ای عجب!

You did not like jealousy from a friend

For it was made clear to you that gossip is not virtuous?

حسودی پسندت نیامد ز دوست

که معلوم کردت که غیبت نکوست؟

If he chooses the path of hell due to his greed

From this path, you will reach him no more

گر او راه دوزخ گرفت از خسی

از این راه دیگر تو در وی رسی