Section 24 - A Story: I heard an arrogant man, drunk with pride.
بخش ۲۴ - حکایت: شنیدم که مغروری از کبر مست
I heard that an arrogant man, drunk with pride,
Closed the door of his house to a beggar.
شنیدم که مغروری از کبر مست
در خانه بر روی سائل ببست
The man was left in a corner, sitting in despair,
His liver burning, and a sigh from a cold chest.
به کنجی فرو ماند و بنشست مرد
جگر گرم و آه از تف سینه سرد
A man with covered eyes heard him,
And asked him the cause of his resentment and anger.
شنیدش یکی مرد پوشیده چشم
بپرسیدش از موجب کین و خشم
He recounted (his story) and wept on the dust of the street,
The wrong that he had suffered from that person.
فرو گفت و بگریست بر خاک کوی
جفایی کز آن شخصش آمد به روی
He said, “O so-and-so, abandon tormenting (others),
Spend one evening breaking your fast with me.”
بگفت ای فلان، ترک آزار کن
یک امشب به نزد من افطار کن
With kindness and gentle persuasion, he drew him by the collar,
Brought him into his house and set the table.
به خُلق و فریبش گریبان کشید
به خانه در آوردش و خوان کشید
The pure-hearted dervish found comfort,
And said, “May God grant you enlightenment.”
بر آسود درویش روشن نهاد
بگفت ایزدت روشنایی دهاد
At night, a few tears fell from his (the blind man’s) eyes,
At dawn, he opened his eyes and saw the world.
شب از نرگسش قطره چندی چکید
سحر دیده بر کرد و دنیا بدید
The story spread throughout the city and caused excitement,
That the blind man had regained his sight last night.
حکایت به شهر اندر افتاد و جوش
که آن بیبصر دیده بر کرد دوش
The hard-hearted master heard this news,
That the dervish had left him disheartened.
شنید این سخن خواجهٔ سنگدل
که برگشت درویش از او تنگدل
He said, “Tell me the story, O fortunate one,
How this difficult task became easy for you?”
بگفتا حکایت کن ای نیکبخت
که چون سهل شد بر تو این کار سخت؟
Who rekindled this world-illuminating candle for you?
He said, “O oppressor with troubled days,”
که بر کردت این شمع گیتیفروز؟
بگفت ای ستمکار آشفته روز
You were short-sighted and weak of judgment,
That you became preoccupied with an owl instead of a Homa bird.
تو کوتهنظر بودی و سست رای
که مشغول گشتی به جغد از همای
Someone opened this door for me,
Which you had closed against him.
به روی من این در کسی کرد باز
که کردی تو بر روی وی در، فراز
If you kiss the dust of worthy men's feet,
(Do it) for the worthiness that brings you enlightenment.
اگر بوسه بر خاک مردان زنی
به مردی که پیش آیدت روشنی
Those whose hearts' eyes are veiled,
Are surely unaware of this kohl (eye medicine/wisdom).
کسانی که پوشیده چشم دلند
همانا کز این توتیا غافلند
When the one whose fortune had turned heard the reproach,
He bit his finger in astonishment.
چو برگشتهدولت ملامت شنید
سر انگشت حیرت به دندان گزید
That my falcon became prey to your trap,
My fortune was attributed to you.
که شهباز من صید دام تو شد
مرا بود دولت به نام تو شد
When someone obtains a young falcon,
He sinks the tooth of greed into it like a mouse.
کسی چون به دست آورد جره باز
فرو برده چون موش دندان آز
But if you are a seeker of a true heart,
Do not be negligent of service for even a moment.
الا گر طلبکار اهل دلی
ز خدمت مکن یک زمان غافلی
Give food to sparrows, partridges, and pigeons,
So that one day a Homa bird may fall into your trap.
خورش ده به گنجشک و کبک و حَمام
که یک روزت افتد همایی به دام
When you cast the arrow of need in every direction,
There is hope that you will suddenly catch prey.
چو هر گوشه تیر نیاز افکنی
امید است ناگه که صیدی زنی
A pearl may also emerge from many shells,
From a hundred arrows, one may hit the target.
دُری هم بر آید ز چندین صدف
ز صد چوبه آید یکی بر هدف
Section 24 - A Story: I heard an arrogant man, drunk with pride.
Book: Bustan