Hekayat 19: The just Nushin-Ravan caught prey in a hunting ground.
حکایت شماره ۱۹: آوردهاند که نوشینروان عادل را در شکارگاهی صید ...
It is narrated that they were roasting game for Nushirvan the Just in a hunting ground, and there was no salt. A servant went to a village to bring salt. Nushirvan said: Buy the salt at its price so that it does not become a custom and the village is not ruined. They said: What harm will come from this small amount? He said: The foundation of oppression in the world was initially small; whoever came added to it until it reached this extent.
آوردهاند که نوشینروانِ عادل را در شکارگاهی صَید کباب کردند و نمک نبود. غلامی به روستا رفت تا نمک آرد. نوشیروان گفت: نمک به قیمت بستان تا رسمی نشود و ده خراب نگردد. گفتند: از این قدر چه خَلَل آید؟ گفت: بنیادِ ظلم در جهان اوّل اندکی بودهاست هرکه آمد بر او مَزیدی کرده تا بدین غایت رسیده.
If the king eats an apple from a subject's orchard
His servants will uproot the tree
اگر ز باغِ رعیّت مَلِک خورد سیبی
بر آورند غلامانِ او درخت از بیخ
For five eggs that the sultan allows injustice
His soldiers will roast a thousand chickens on skewers
به پنج بیضه که سلطان ستم روا دارد
زنند لشکریانش هزار مرغ به سیخ
Hekayat 19: The just Nushin-Ravan caught prey in a hunting ground.
Book: Gulistan