Hekayat 2: A Khorasan king, Mahmoud Sabuktigin, in a dream.

حکایت شماره ۲: یکی از ملوک خراسان محمود سبکتگین را به خواب ...

One of the kings of Khorasan saw Mahmud Sabuktigin in a dream, in such a way that his entire being had crumbled and turned to dust except for his eyes, which were still turning in their sockets and looking around. All the wise men were unable to interpret this except for a dervish who came forward and said: He is still worried that his kingdom is with others.

یکی از ملوکِ خراسان محمودِ سبکتگین را به خواب چنان دید که جمله وجود او ریخته بود و خاک شده مگر چشمان او که همچنان در چشم‌خانه همی‌گردید و نظر می‌کرد. سایر حکما از تأویل این فروماندند مگر درویشی که به جای آورد و گفت: هنوز نگران است که مُلکش با دگران است.

Many famous people have been buried beneath the ground,

From whose existence no trace remains on the face of the earth.

بس نامور به زیر زمین دفن کرده‌اند

کز هستیش به رویِ زمین بر، نشان نماند

And that old corpse that they laid beneath the clay,

The earth has consumed it so that no bone remains of it.

وآنْ پیرْ لاشه را که سپردند زیر گِل

خاکش چنان بخورد کزو استخوان نماند

The auspicious name of Nushirvan lives on in goodness,

Although much time has passed since Nushirvan is no more.

زنده‌ست نام فَرّخِ نوشین‌روان به خیر

گرچه بسی گذشت که نوشین‌روان نماند

Do good, O so-and-so, and value your life as a treasure,

Before the cry goes out: So-and-so is no more.

خیری کن ای فلان و غنیمت شمار عمر

زآن پیشتر که بانگ بر آید: فلان نماند