Hekayat 22: A king had a severe illness.
حکایت شماره ۲۲: یکی را از ملوک مرضی هایل بود که اعادت ذکر آن ...
One of the kings had a terrible illness, which it is better not to mention. A group of Greek physicians agreed that there was no cure for this disease except the gallbladder of a human being described with certain characteristics. He ordered it to be sought.
یکی را از ملوک مرضی هایل بود که اِعادتِ ذکرِ آن ناکردن اَوْلیٰ. طایفهٔ حکمایِ یونان متفّق شدند که مر این درد را دوایی نیست مگر زَهْرهٔ آدمی به چندین صفت موصوف. بفرمود طلب کردن.
They found a peasant boy with the characteristics that the physicians had described. They summoned his father and mother and pleased them with boundless wealth, and the judge issued a fatwa that shedding the blood of one of the subjects was permissible for the king's health. The executioner prepared himself, the boy raised his head towards the sky and smiled. The king asked him what was the reason for laughing in this situation? He said: Children rely on their fathers and mothers and take their case before the judge and seek justice from the king. Now my father and mother have sold me for worldly possessions, and the judge has issued a fatwa for my execution, and the sultan sees his own interests in my destruction; I see no refuge except God, the Exalted and Glorious.
دهقانپسری یافتند بر آن صورت که حکیمان گفته بودند. پدرش را و مادرش را بخواند و به نعمتِ بیکران خشنود گردانیدند و قاضی فَتویٰ داد که خونِ یکی از رعیّت ریختن سلامتِ پادشه را، روا باشد. جلّاد قصد کرد، پسر سر سویِ آسمان بر آورد و تبسّم کرد. ملک پرسیدش که در این حالت چه جای خندیدن است؟ گفت: نازِ فرزندان بر پدران و مادران باشد و دعوی پیشِ قاضی برند و داد از پادشه خواهند. اکنون پدر و مادر به علّت حُطامِ دنیا مرا به خون درسپردند و قاضی به کشتن فَتویٰ داد و سلطان مصالحِ خویش اندر هلاکِ من همیبیند؛ به جز خدای عَزَّوَجَلَّ، پناهی نمیبینم.
To whom should I raise my cry from your hand?
If I seek justice, it is from you against your own hand
پیشِ که بر آورم ز دستت فریاد؟
هم پیشِ تو از دستِ تو گر خواهم داد
The sultan's heart was moved by this speech, and tears welled up in his eyes, and he said: My own destruction is preferable to shedding innocent blood. He kissed his head and eyes and embraced him and bestowed boundless wealth and set him free, and they say he recovered in the same week.
سلطان را دل از این سخن به هم بر آمد و آب در دیده بگردانید و گفت: هلاکِ من اولیٰتر است از خونِ بیگناهی ریختن. سر و چشمش ببوسید و در کنار گرفت و نعمتِ بیاندازه بخشید و آزاد کرد، و گویند هم در آن هفته شفا یافت.
I am still thinking about that couplet that
a mahout said on the bank of the Nile River:
همچنان در فکرِ آن بیتم که گفت:
پیلبانی بر لبِ دریایِ نیل:
If you knew the state of the ant under your foot
It is like your state under the foot of the elephant»
«زیر پایت گر بدانی حالِ مور
همچو حالِ توست زیر پایِ پیل»
Hekayat 22: A king had a severe illness.
Book: Gulistan