Hekayat 23: A servant of Amr Lays had fled.
حکایت شماره ۲۳: یکی از بندگان عمرو لیث گریخته بود. کسان در ...
One of Amr-i Layth's servants had run away. People went after him and brought him back. The vizier had a grudge against him and ordered him to be killed so that other servants would not commit such an act. The servant bowed his head to the ground before Amr and said:
یکی از بندگانِ عَمْروِ لَیْث گریخته بود. کسان در عقبش برفتند و باز آوردند. وزیر را با وی غرضی بود و اشارت به کشتن فرمود تا دگر بندگان چنین فعل روا ندارند. بنده پیشِ عمرو سر بر زمین نهاد و گفت:
Whatever happens to me is right, as you deem it proper
What claim can a servant make? The command belongs to the master
هر چه رود بر سرم چون تو پسندی رواست
بنده چه دعوی کند؟ حکم، خداوند راست
But because I have been nurtured by the bounty of this family, I do not want you to be held accountable for my blood in the hereafter. Give me permission to kill the vizier, and then order my blood to be shed in retribution for his, so that you are justly killed. The king laughed. He said to the vizier: What do you think is advisable? He said: O Lord of the world! For God's sake, free this impudent one as a charity for your father's grave, so that he does not cast me into trouble. The fault is mine, and the saying of the wise is valid, who have said:
امّا به موجبِ آن که پروردهٔ نعمت این خاندانم، نخواهم که در قیامت به خونِ من گرفتار آیی. اجازت فرمای تا وزیر را بکشم آنگه به قِصاصِ او بفرمای خونِ مرا ریختن تا بهحق کشته باشی. ملِک را خنده گرفت. وزیر را گفت: چه مصلحت میبینی؟ گفت: ای خداوندِ جهان! از بهرِ خدای این شوخْدیده را به صَدَقاتِ گور پدر آزاد کن تا مرا در بلایی نیفکند. گناه از من است و قولِ حکما معتبر که گفتهاند:
When you fought with a clod-thrower
You broke your own head foolishly
چو کردی با کلوخانداز پیکار
سرِ خود را به نادانی شکستی
When you shot an arrow at the enemy
Know that you have sat in his target
چو تیر انداختی بر رویِ دشمن
چنین دان کاندر آماجش نشستی
Hekayat 23: A servant of Amr Lays had fled.
Book: Gulistan