Hekayat 24: The king of Zozan had a noble-hearted servant.
حکایت شماره ۲۴: ملک زوزن را خواجهای بود کریمالنفس ...
The king of Zozan had a noble and well-mannered chamberlain who served everyone in their presence and spoke well of them in their absence. By chance, an action of his was displeasing to the sultan, so he ordered his possessions to be confiscated and punished him; and the king's officers, acknowledging his past favors, were indebted to him for their gratitude. During his imprisonment, they treated him with kindness and leniency and did not inflict any harsh treatment or punishment upon him.
ملِکِ زوزَن را خواجهای بود کریمالنَّفْسِ نیکمحضر که همگنان را در مواجهه خدمت کردی و در غیبت نکویی گفتی. اتفاقاً از او حرکتی در نظر سلطان ناپسند آمد، مصادره فرمود و عقوبت کرد؛ و سرهنگانِ ملِک به سوابقِ نعمتِ او معترف بودند و به شکرِ آن مُرتَهَن. در مدّت تَوْکیل او رِفق و ملاطفت کردندی و زجر و معاقبت روا نداشتندی.
If you desire peace with an enemy, whenever he
Finds fault with you behind your back, praise him to his face.
صلحِ با دشمن اگر خواهی، هر گه که تو را
در قفا عیب کند، در نظرش تحسین کن
The last word passes through the mouth of a troublemaker
If you don't want his words to be bitter, sweeten his mouth.
سخن آخر به دهان میگذرد موذی را
سخنش تلخ نخواهی دهنش شیرین کن
What was the content of the king's decree was carried out by some, and he remained in prison for the rest. It is narrated that one of the kings of the surrounding regions secretly sent him a message saying that the kings of that side did not appreciate such a noble person and treated him with disrespect. If the opinion of the esteemed so-and-so, may God improve his release, inclines towards us, every effort will be made to fully respect his wishes, and the nobles of this kingdom are eager to meet him and await a response to this message.
آنچه مَضمونِ خِطابِ ملِک بود از عهدهٔ بعضی به در آمد و به بقیّتی در زندان بماند. آوردهاند که یکی از ملوکِ نواحی در خُفْیَه پیامش فرستاد که ملوکِ آن طرف قدرِ چنان بزرگوار ندانستند و بیعزّتی کردند. اگر رایِ عزیزِ فلان، اَحْسَنَ اللهُ خَلاصَهُ، به جانب ما التفاتی کند، در رعایت خاطرش هر چه تمامتر سعی کرده شود و اعیانِ این مملکت به دیدار او مُفْتَقِرند و جواب این حرف را منتظر.
The chamberlain became aware of this and thought of the danger and immediately wrote a brief reply, as he deemed appropriate, on the back of a paper and sent it. One of his associates found out and informed the king that so-and-so, whom you ordered to be imprisoned, is corresponding with the kings of the regions. The king became upset and ordered this news to be investigated. They seized the messenger and read the message. It was written that:
خواجه بر این وقوف یافت و از خطر اندیشید و در حال جوابی مختصر، چنان که مصلحت دید، بر قَفای ورق نبشت و روان کرد. یکی از متعلّقان واقف شد و ملِک را اعلام کرد که فلان را که حبس فرمودی با ملوکِ نواحی مراسله دارد. ملک بههم برآمد و کشفِ این خبر فرمود. قاصد را بگرفتند و رِسالت بخواندند. نبشته بود که:
The good opinion of the elders is more than our merit, and the honor of acceptance that they have bestowed, it is not possible for this servant to accept, because he is nurtured by the bounty of this family, and with a small change, it is not possible to be unfaithful to one's benefactor, as they have said:
حسنِ ظنِّ بزرگان بیش از فضیلتِ ماست و تشریفِ قبولی که فرمودند بنده را امکانِ اجابت نیست، به حکمِ آن که پروردهٔ نعمت این خاندان است و به اندکمایه تغیّر با ولینعمت بیوفایی نتوان کرد، چنان که گفتهاند:
The one who constantly bestows kindness upon you
Excuse him, even if he commits an injustice in a lifetime
آن را که به جایِ توست هر دَم کَرَمی
عذرش بنه، ار کند به عمری ستمی
The king liked his quality of gratitude and bestowed upon him robes of honor and wealth and apologized, saying: I was wrong to harm you without any guilt or fault. He said: O Lord! This servant does not see any fault in the Lord in this situation. It was the decree of God, the Exalted, that this servant should suffer a hardship, so it is better that it be by your hand, for you have past favors and acts of kindness upon this servant. And the wise have said:
ملک را سیرتِ حقشناسی از او پسند آمد و خلعت و نعمت بخشید و عذر خواست که: خطا کردم تو را بی جرم و خطا آزردن. گفت: ای خداوند! بنده در این حالت مر خداوند را خطا نمیبیند. تقدیرِ خداوند، تَعالیٰ بود که مر این بنده را مکروهی برسد، پس به دست تو اولیٰتر، که سوابقِ نعمت بر این بنده داری و اَیادیِ منّت. و حکما گفتهاند:
If harm reaches you from people, do not be offended
For neither comfort nor suffering comes from people
گر گزندت رسد ز خلق مرنج
که نه راحت رسد ز خلق نه رنج
Know the difference between enemy and friend from God
For the hearts of both are in His control
از خدا دان خلافِ دشمن و دوست
کاین دلِ هر دو در تصرّفِ اوست
Although the arrow passes from the bow
The wise see it from the archer
گرچه تیر از کمان همی گذرد
از کماندار بیند اهلِ خرد
Hekayat 24: The king of Zozan had a noble-hearted servant.
Book: Gulistan