Hekayat 27: A master wrestler with three hundred sixty.
حکایت شماره ۲۷: یکی در صنعت کشتی گرفتن سرآمده بود، سیصد و شصت ...
Someone was a master in the art of wrestling, he knew three hundred and sixty excellent holds and wrestled in a different way each day. However, he had a secret affection for the beauty of one of his students. He taught him three hundred and fifty-nine holds except for one hold that he delayed and postponed teaching. In short, the boy excelled in strength and skill, and no one in his time could resist him, to the point that he had said to the king of that time: The advantage my master has over me is due to his seniority and the right of upbringing; otherwise, I am not less than him in strength and equal to him in skill. The king found this statement difficult to accept. He ordered them to wrestle.
یکی در صنعتِ کُشتی گرفتن سرآمده بود، سیصد و شصت بندِ فاخر بدانستی و هر روز به نوعی از آن کُشتی گرفتی. مگر گوشهٔ خاطرش با جمالِ یکی از شاگردان میلی داشت. سیصد و پنجاه و نُه بندش درآموخت مگر یک بند که در تعلیمِ آن دفع انداخت و تأخیر کردی. فیالجمله پسر در قوّت و صنعت سر آمد و کسی را در زمانِ او با او امکانِ مقاومت نبود تا به حدّی که پیشِ مَلِکِ آن روزگار گفته بود: استاد را فضیلتی که بر من است از رویِ بزرگیست و حقِّ تربیت؛ وگرنه به قوّت از او کمتر نیستم و به صنعت با او برابرم. مَلِک را این سخن دُشْخوار آمد. فرمود تا مُصارعت کنند.
A spacious place was arranged, and the pillars of the state, the nobles of the court, and the strongmen of the world were present. The boy entered like a drunken elephant with such force that he could have uprooted a mountain of iron. The master knew that the young man was superior to him in strength; he wrestled him with that strange hold that he had kept hidden from him. The boy did not know how to defend against it and was defeated. The master lifted him above his head with both hands and slammed him to the ground. A cry arose from the crowd. The king ordered the master to be given robes of honor and wealth and rebuked and blamed the boy for claiming resistance against his benefactor and not succeeding. He said: O king of the earth! He did not overcome me by force, but a subtle point of wrestling knowledge was withheld from me, and he had been withholding it from me all his life. Today he overcame me with that subtle point.
مقامی مُتَّسِع ترتیب کردند و ارکانِ دولت و اعیانِ حضرت و زورآورانِ رویِ زمین حاضر شدند. پسر چون پیلِ مست اندرآمد به صَدمَتی که اگر کوهِ رویین بودی از جای برکندی. استاد دانست که جوان به قوّت از او برتر است؛ بدان بندِ غریب که از وی نهان داشته بود، با او درآویخت. پسر دفعِ آن ندانست، به هم برآمد. استاد به دو دست از زمینش بالایِ سَر برد و فروکوفت. غریو از خلق برخاست. ملک فرمود استاد را خلعت و نعمت دادن و پسر را زجر و ملامت کرد که با پرورندهٔ خویش دعویِ مقاومت کردی و به سر نبردی. گفت: ای پادشاهِ روی زمین! به زورآوری بر من دست نیافت بلکه مرا از علمِ کُشتی دقیقهای مانده بود و همه عمر از من دریغ همیداشت. امروز بدان دقیقه بر من غالب آمد.
He said: It was for such a day; as the wise have said: Do not give a friend so much power that he can become an enemy. Have you not heard what he who suffered injustice from his protégé said?
گفت: از بهرِ چنین روزی؛ که زیرکان گفتهاند: دوست را چندان قوّت مده که دشمنی کند تواند. نشنیدهای که چه گفت آن که از پروردهٔ خویش جفا دید؟
Either loyalty did not exist in the world itself
Or perhaps no one in this era practiced it.
یا وفا خود نبود در عالَم
یا مگر کس در این زمانه نکرد
No one learned the art of archery from me
Who did not eventually make me his target.
کس نیاموخت علمِ تیر از من
که مرا عاقبت نشانه نکرد
Hekayat 27: A master wrestler with three hundred sixty.
Book: Gulistan