Hekayat 34: A king's matter
حکایت شماره ۳۴: مطابق این سخن، پادشاهی را مهمی پیش آمد. گفت: ...
According to this saying, a king faced an important matter. He said: If this situation turns out as I wish, I will give several dirhams to the ascetics.
مطابقِ این سخن، پادشاهی را مُهِمّی پیش آمد. گفت: اگر این حالت به مرادِ من بر آید، چندین دِرَم دهم زاهدان را.
When his need was fulfilled and his anxiety was gone, fulfilling his vow became necessary according to the condition. He gave a bag of dirhams to one of his special servants to distribute among the ascetics.
چون حاجتش برآمد و تشویشِ خاطرش برفت، وفایِ نذرش به وجودِ شرطْ لازم آمد. یکی را از بندگان خاصّ کیسهٔ دِرم داد تا صرف کند بر زاهدان.
They say the servant was wise and alert. He searched all day and returned at night, kissed the dirhams, and placed them before the king and said: As much as I searched, I did not find any ascetics!
گویند غلامی عاقلِ هشیار بود. همه روز بگردید و شبانگه باز آمد و درمها بوسه داد و پیش ملِک بنهاد و گفت: زاهدان را چندان که گردیدم، نیافتم!
He said: What is this story?! As far as I know, there are four hundred ascetics in this land.
گفت: این چه حکایت است؟! آنچه من دانم در این مُلک چهارصد زاهد است.
He said: O Lord of the world! He who is an ascetic does not accept, and he who accepts is not an ascetic.
گفت: ای خداوندِ جهان! آن که زاهد است نمیستاند و آن که میستاند زاهد نیست.
The king laughed and said to his courtiers: As much as I have devotion and acknowledgment for the worshippers of God, this bold one has animosity and denial, and the truth is on his side!
ملِک بخندید و ندیمان را گفت: چندان که مرا در حقِّ خداپرستان ارادت است و اقرار، مر این شوخدیده را عداوت است و انکار و حق به جانب اوست!
The ascetic who took dirhams and dinars
Find one more ascetic than him
زاهد که درم گرفت و دینار
زاهدتر از او یکی به دست آر