Hekayat 7: A king and a Persian slave on a ship.
حکایت شماره ۷: پادشاهی با غلامی عجمی در کشتی نشست و غلام، دیگر ...
A king boarded a ship with a foreign slave, and the slave had never seen the sea before and had not experienced the hardship of being on a ship. He began to cry and wail, and trembling fell upon his body. As much as they tried to comfort him, he would not calm down, and the king's enjoyment was disturbed by him. They did not know what to do. There was a wise man on that ship; he said to the king: If you command, I will silence him in a way. He said: It would be the greatest kindness and generosity.
پادشاهی با غلامی عَجَمی در کشتی نشست و غلام، دیگر دریا را ندیده بود و محنت کشتی نیازموده. گریه و زاری درنهاد و لرزه بر اندامش اوفتاد. چندانکه ملاطفت کردند آرام نمیگرفت و عیشِ مَلِک از او مُنَغَّص بود. چاره ندانستند. حکیمی در آن کشتی بود، ملک را گفت: اگر فرمان دهی، من او را به طریقی خامُش گردانم. گفت: غایتِ لطف و کرم باشد.
He ordered the slave to be thrown into the sea. After he had been submerged several times, they grabbed his hair and brought him back to the ship. He clung to the ship's rudder with both hands. When he came aboard, he sat in a corner and became calm. The king was astonished; he asked: What was the wisdom in this? He said: He had not tasted the hardship of drowning before and did not appreciate the safety of the ship. Likewise, one appreciates well-being who has been afflicted by a misfortune.
بفرمود تا غلام به دریا انداختند. باری چند غوطه خورد، مویَش گرفتند و پیشِ کشتی آوردند. به دو دست در سُکّانِ کشتی آویخت. چون برآمد به گوشهای بنشست و قرار یافت. ملک را عجب آمد؛ پرسید: در این چه حکمت بود؟ گفت: از اوّل محنتِ غرقه شدن ناچشیده بود و قدرِ سلامتِ کشتی نمیدانست. همچنین قدرِ عافیت کسی داند که به مصیبتی گرفتار آید.
O satiated one, barley bread does not seem pleasant to you,
What is ugly to you is my beloved.
ای سیر تو را نانِ جُوین خوش ننماید
معشوقِ من است آنکه به نزدیکِ تو زشت است
For the houris of paradise, A'raf would be hell,
Ask the inhabitants of hell if A'raf is paradise.
حورانِ بهشتی را دوزخ بود اَعراف
از دوزخیان پرس که اَعراف بهشت است
There is a difference between one whose beloved is in their embrace,
And one whose two eyes of anticipation are on the door.
فرق است میانِ آن که یارش در بر
تا آن که دو چشمِ انتظارش بر در
Hekayat 7: A king and a Persian slave on a ship.
Book: Gulistan