Hekayat No. 1: One of the viziers had a foolish son. He took him to one of...

حکایت شماره ۱: یکی را از وزرا پسری کودن بود. پیش یکی از ...

One of the viziers had a foolish son. He sent him to one of the scholars, saying, 'Educate this one so that he might become wise.' The scholar taught him for a time, but it had no effect. He sent word to his father that this one is not becoming wise and has driven me mad.

یکی را از وزرا پسری کودن بود. پیش یکی از دانشمندان فرستاد که مر این را تربیتی می‌کن مگر که عاقل شود. روزگاری تعلیم کردش و مؤثر نبود. پیش پدرش کس فرستاد که این عاقل نمی‌باشد و مرا دیوانه کرد.

When the origin of a gem is worthy

Education will have an effect on it.

چون بود اصل گوهری قابل

تربیت را در او اثر باشد

No polisher can do a good job

On iron that is of bad essence.

هیچ صیقل نکو نداند کرد

آهنی را که بدگهر باشد

Wash a dog in the seven seas

When it gets wet, it becomes even more impure.

سگ به دریای هفتگانه بشوی

که چو تر شد پلیدتر باشد

If they take Jesus's donkey to Mecca

When it returns, it will still be a donkey.

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